17AM电机温控器 17AM电机温控器 6AP雨刮热保护器7AM灯饰温度保护器
所有产品均采用标准和*国家的行业标准。产品均通过CQC、UL、VDE、TUV﹑CUL、CB等安全规格认证并通过了ISO9001:2000质量体系认证与完善了欧盟R o H S指令公司以“品质*、客户*”为办厂宗旨。
Dong Guan Tai Mei Electronics company ., ltd is will be found in China main land in 2002 !
It is Professional manufacture the thermostat, temperature switch, thermal protector temperature control switches, etc! Widely used in various household appliances, lighting appliances, motor, transformer, electric tools, heating appliances, instruments, radiator, radiator, fuel tank, monitoring equipment... Etc.), electrical components of the temperature control of over current, over temperature protection.
We have more than 10 years experience in manufactuering the thermostats , have Germany imported automatic production lines and computer temperature controller all pick up equipment, and hired foreign professional and technical personnel and senior management personnel. Digestion and absorption of imported technology, implement product development improvement, continuously introduce customer satisfaction products, relying on strong technical advantage, through continuous research and development and manufacturing experience, products sold at home and abroad.
All products adopt advanced international standards and national industry standards. Products through the CQC, UL, VDE, TUV, CUL, CB and other safety standard certification and passed the ISO9001:2000 international quality system certification and the European Union R o H S instruction company to "quality first, customer first" for the purpose of the factory.
Companies with the best quality products and perfect after-sales service, win market credibility, heavy management benefit, carry forward the "quality first, reputation first, solidarity, forge ahead, the pursuit of excellence" spirit's enterprise, based on domestic, to the world.
特性: (17AM )热保护器 | |
● 17AM 热保护器是美国德州仪器KLIXON ?专有技术生产的,用于精确控制(电器、电机...)的过热和过载的保护元件。 | |
● 17AM 热保护器的工作原理:电流通过KLIXON ?双金属簧片及两触点。当电器工作不正常,使周围温度或电流过高,当热量达到保护器的跳脱温度值时, 双金属簧片便迅速动作,这样切断了电路。当温度下降到复位温度时,KLIXON ?双金属簧片又迅速闭合。 | |
优点:(17AM )热保护器 | |
●?美国德州仪器公司成立的森萨塔科技工厂生产的KLIXON ?品牌传感器与控制器。此已有九十多年的历史,生产传感器和控制器品种zui齐全、 产量zui大、品质* 、价廉质优,质量具有信用保障。(产品在亚洲、欧洲和美国有制造工厂和研究开发中心) | |
● 17AM 热保护器用特制的KLIXON ?双金属簧片,适合较宽系列的应用,性能可靠。它是一个微型、速动、热动装置。在热保护科技领域内,它是一个被广泛应用的保护元件。 | |
● 17AM ?热保护器 微型化设计,稳定可靠的寿命。适用于电机、泵、变压器、灯具、仪器设备…并对类似电热电器超温、过热进行直接或间接保护。 | |
● 每一种跳脱温度都经严格地校正及检查,KLIXON ??双金属片具有*快速跳脱 | |
●众多的温度规格,60℃... 160℃±5℃ (每5℃一种规格 ) | |
● 触点容量大:9A / 250 V--AC ,22A / 115 V--AC .... | |
● 具备有感应温度及电流而动作之双重性能 | |
● 带衬垫不锈钢外壳,适合绝大多数浸泽制程 | |
● 可依客户的需求铆接各种規格与长度的线材 | |
、、、 | |
● 通过各国安全认证:UL、CSA、VDE、ENEC(欧盟)、KEMA、CQC …证书 , 及符合欧盟 ROHS环保要求。 |
动作温度公差± 5℃
编号 | 跳脱温度 |
17AM 020 | 65℃ |
17AM 021 | 70℃ |
17AM 022 | 75℃ |
17AM 023 | 80℃ |
17AM 024 | 85℃ |
17AM 025 | 90℃ |
17AM 026 | 95℃ |
17AM 027 | 100℃ |
17AM 028 | 105℃ |
17AM 029 | 110℃ |
17AM 030 | 115℃ |
17AM 031 | 120℃ |
17AM 032 | 125℃ |
17AM 033 | 130℃ |
17AM 034 | 135℃ |
17AM 035 | 140℃ |
17AM 036 | 145℃ |
17AM 037 | 150℃ |
17AM 038 | 155℃ |
17AM 039 | 160℃ |
![]() 各类电机,马达,水泵,空压机,清洗机,荧光灯电子镇流器,HID镇流器,变压器,照明灯具,电动工具,充电器,仪器,设备;过膠机,家用電器,发热电器。 17AM温度开关(热保护器)同时具有电流过载保护作用:当电路短路或电机堵转时,由于电流迅速增加在Klixon?双金属片上产生热效应,迅速将热保护器接触点断开。 17AM温度开关(热保护器)是一种过热、过电流之保护器,其体积小,触点容量大,跳脱动作快速,性能可靠 |
:戴 生
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