生产厂家 广东沃杰森环保科技股份有限公司(前身是东莞市沃杰森水处理科技有限公司),拥有:"电絮凝"、"电催化氧化"、"电还原"、"固定化微生物"、"黑臭河道治理"、"ASBF 分散式农村污水收集和处理"、"非膜法渗滤液处理"等多项自主知识产权核心技,成立于2001年,国家*,新三版上市公司,是一家专业从事废水处理及回用,以及工业、民用纯水工程和废气、噪音处理工程的高科技企业。公司拥有一批*从事纯水制备和废水、废气、噪声处理技术研究、应用、实战经验丰富的工程技术人员。公司总部位于广东东莞,同时拥有广东、江苏两大制造基地,以及分布位于广东、北京、江苏、成都等城市的客服机构;公司在同行业中*通过*,并与Rohm & Hass 、Hydranautics、DOW、Grundfos等世界Y流供应商建立了良好的合作关系。凭借*的技术、高品质的设备、完善的管理、以及遍布全国的XS服务网络,我公司迅速成为国内水处理行业Z*,*竞争力的公司之一,询13827234925。
2008年,公司成功研发出高压脉冲电絮凝技术,并成功的在广州某集团和深圳某五金电镀厂得到应用,取得了良好的经济效益。 2015年底,公司并搬迁新厂,扩大生产规模,更名为“广东沃杰森环保科技股份有限公司”。
Guangdong Wojiesen Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd (former name: Wa-Station Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd) was built in 2001,it is a high-tech enterprise specialized in the treatment and recycling of wastewater, industrial and domestic pure water project and noise processing project. The company has a tem of experienced engineers and technicians who have been long engaged in the preparation of pure water as well as the technical research and application of the treatment of wastewater, waste gas and noise. The headquarter of the company lies in Dongguan, Guangdong province, it has two manufacture bases respectively in Guangdong and Jiangsu, as well as customer service agencies in Guangdong, Beijing, Jiangsu and Chengdu. The company has passed the authentication of ISO9001 early, and has set up good cooperative relations with top suppliers in the world, such as Rohm&Hass, Hydranautics, DOW and Grundfos.
In 2008, the company has developed the high-voltage pulse electro coagulation technology, which has been successfully applied in the Guangzhou Exquisite Group and Shenzhen Mercedes Hardware Electroplate Factory.With advanced technology, high quality equipments, improved management as well as the sales service networks all over the nation, the company has rapidly become one of the leading and most competitive companies in the industry.
Guangdong Wojiesen Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd (former name: Wa-Station Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd) was built in 2001,it is a high-tech enterprise specialized in the treatment and recycling of wastewater, industrial and domestic pure water project and noise processing project. The company has a tem of experienced engineers and technicians who have been long engaged in the preparation of pure water as well as the technical research and application of the treatment of wastewater, waste gas and noise. The headquarter of the company lies in Dongguan, Guangdong province, it has two manufacture bases respectively in Guangdong and Jiangsu, as well as customer service agencies in Guangdong, Beijing, Jiangsu and Chengdu. The company has passed the authentication of ISO9001 early, and has set up good cooperative relations with top suppliers in the world, such as Rohm&Hass, Hydranautics, DOW and Grundfos.
In 2008, the company has developed the high-voltage pulse electro coagulation technology, which has been successfully applied in the Guangzhou Exquisite Group and Shenzhen Mercedes Hardware Electroplate Factory.With advanced technology, high quality equipments, improved management as well as the sales service networks all over the nation, the company has rapidly become one of the leading and most competitive companies in the industry.