The disk of dryer is designed as hollow inclined tray for increasing heat transfer rate and effect of churn maximatily.
There are self-cleaning devices on the disk, scraping sludge attaching on rotating axis and casing through tray rotating.
① 节能:采用间接加热方式,热效率高。
② 小型:间接加热方式,每单位面积的传热面积比直接加热干燥机大,所需占地面积较小。
③ 排气量少:间接加热方式,需要灌入的载气量较少,排气量也少。
④ 滤水含水量可调:通过 蒸汽流量或挡板来调节停留时间,控制含水率。
⑤ 高度干燥性能:由于投入的污泥在倾斜圆盘传热面上得到破碎和搅拌,在传热面上自行进行清洁,以便维持较高的传热系数。(蒸发系数:约8-20kg蒸气/m2hr)
① Energy saving: indirect heating, high thermal efficiency
② Minitype: indirect heating, large heat transfer area, small floor area
③ Less displacement: indirect heating with less injection supporting gas.
④ Adjustable filtered water containing moisture: adjust detention time through steam flow or damper, water ratio shall be controlled.
⑤ High dry performance : the mud on the heat transfer surface of slantwise dial can receive smash and stir, thus self-clean itself to maintain high heat transfer factor.(factor of evaporation: about 8-20kg/m2hr)
The steel cylindrical casings using fire proof material,also heat insulating material interiorly, which forms fire-proof structure. With the Scattered tube inserted in fluid bed , it can supply the air used for incineration to generate fluosolids.
■ *燃烧:在高温的流化层内进行干燥和焚烧,可实现*燃烧。
■ 理想形状:流化层部分为圆形,可维持高效的流动状态。
■ 可将残渣和沉砂进行混合燃烧:可将处理厂排出的残渣、沉砂和脱水滤饼一起进行混合燃烧。
Perfect combustion: drying and incineration in high temperature fluosolids.
Ideal form: part of fluosolids is in circular form, maintaining high efficient flow.
Mixed incineration of residue and grit:conduct the combined incineration for the effluent residue , grit and dehydrated filter mass.