SOLAIR 3200尘埃粒子计数器授权代理
■ 检测仪器:尘埃粒子计数器、风量仪、浮游细菌采样器、风速仪、温湿度压差测试仪、压差表、环境参数测试仪、照度计、声级计、温湿度计、防静电测试仪。
■ 净化设备:各种(防静电)洁净工作台、生物安全柜、洁净传递窗、洁净取样车、洁净层流罩、洁净存衣柜、各种形式(防静电)洁净微环境,高效送风单元(FFU)、风淋室、移动式自净器、高效送风口、高效过滤器、洁净地漏、免接触自动感应手消毒器、自动感应干手器、洁净防静电产品。
■ 承接各种净化空调工程、净化室、洁净厂房及各种水处理系统的自控系统设计、安装调试及洁净室测试的技术服务。
The SOLAIR 3200 incorporates our extreme life laser diode technology sensor to produce the industry’s longest laser diode life of 20+ year MTTF (based on continuous 24/7 operation). Using a new, lighter extended-life battery and external AC adapter, the Solair is even more portable. The SOLAIR 3200 features one of the industry’s best user interfaces (UI) to configure and operate the instrument with intuitive ICON-driven screens and menus that are simple and easy to learn and use.
The SOLAIR 3200 can store up to 3,000 records of particle count data from up to 8 particle channels and the configurable recipe database can store up to 50 recipes for sampling and reports. All data can be quickly and reliably transferred to a computer, a Facility Monitoring System or a Building Automation System. Secure data transfer (per 21 CFR Part 11) to a USB flash drive can be accomplished by using the Lighthouse secure data transfer feature and LMS Express or Express RT software to read it. Flexible communications with these instruments are made possible by the integrated Ethernet, RS-485, USB and USB flash drive interfaces. SOLAIR 3200 is designed, manufactured and calibrated to ISO 21501-4 to ensure particle-counting accuracy.
Key Features: