瑞士Metrohm 复合pH玻璃电保存液6.2323.000 滴定仪
公司目前获得*代理的进口分析仪器有:瑞士 Metrohm 公司的水分仪,电位滴定仪,离子色谱;德国 Sartorius 公司的电子天平、美国 Brookfield 粘度计、 Nicolet 红外光谱仪、美国 Branson 超声波清洗机、
Hach 公司的水质分析仪及 Merck 的众多产品。此外还代理经销各种国产实验室分析仪器。
上海万捷科技有限公司是瑞士万通(中国)有限公司在华东区大的*配件销售商以及支持服务商,提供瑞士万通种类繁多的现代分析实验室辅助仪器和设备,包括:自动电位滴定仪、KF 微量水分滴定仪、离子色谱仪伏安极谱仪、精密pH计、电导仪、离子计、自动样品进样器、自动样品前处理器、自动液体装置、各种电极、光电极、油脂氧化稳定值测定仪和仪器相关的外围设备,等等。
Storage solution for all combined pH glass electrodes with reference electrolyte c(KCl) = 3 mol/L
Long-term storage in KCl damages the glass as it results in ever-increasing response times. The new 6.2323.000 Storage solution for combined pH glass electrodes has been developed to solve this very problem. If a combined pH glass electrode is kept in the Storage solution then the performance of the glass membrane does not change with respect to the response time and the alkali error.
If c(KCl) = 3 mol/L is additionally used as the reference electrolyte then the optimized composition of the Storage solution guarantees that the pH glass electrode is always ready for immediate use. Conditioning before the measurement is not necessary, no matter how long the electrode has been stored.
英文名称: Storage solution
生产厂商: 瑞士Metrohm