MEMS 微机械 可调光衰减器
产品名称:MEMS微机械 可调光衰减器
Single-crystal silicon is an ideal material for miniature mechanical devices. Silicon is inexpensive and has virtually no hysteresis and hence almost no energy dissipation, as well as little fatigue to insure service lifetimes over trillions of flexing cycles without breaking. The lightweight and thin format enables optic devices with improved vibration resistance and compactness.
Based on proprietary Si micro-machined VOA chips, Agiltron's MEMS Electrical Fiber Optic Attenuator family features industrial leading performance in low insertion loss, low WDL/PDL, and low cost. The MM VOAs are conveniently controllable by directly applying a voltage. The MM VOA series is in full compliance with the Telcordia 1209 and 1221 reliability standards. We offer a wide range of configurations covering singel mode, multimode, polarization maintain, single channel, multichannels, and integrated tap versions.
Standard Singlemode MEMS VOA(标准单模MEMS可调衰减器)
MEMS Dual Singlemode VOA (MEMS双输出单模可调衰减器)
High Stability MEMS VOA (高稳定性MEMS可调衰减器)
Multimode MEMS VOA (Broadband) (多模MEMS可调衰减器 带宽)
SM High Power VOA (单模高功率可调衰减器)
Straight PM MEMS VOA (All wavelengths) (保偏MEMS可调衰减器)
SFP VOAStraight PI MEMS VOA (All wavelengths)
2-8 Channel MEMS VOA Array (2-8通道MEMS 可调衰减器阵列)
MEMS VOA With Input Tap (MEMS可调衰减器含输入抽头)
Free Space MEMs Attenuator(0.5mm aperture) (空间光MEMS衰减器 0.5mm口径)
MEMS VOA Pigtail (MEMS可调衰减器 尾纤式)
Free Space MEMs Attenuator (0.7mm aperture) (空间光MEMS衰减器 0.7mm口径)
MEMS VOA Collimator (MEMS可调衰减准直器)
Close-Loop VOA Power Controller (闭环可调衰减器功率控制)