




天津多为莱博科技有限公司是专门提供低温及超导仪器设备的的供应商和服务商,是世界在华代理。产品主要有液氦型低温恒温器、液氮型低温恒温器、无液氦闭循环低温恒温器、超精细超低振动型低温恒温器、液氦型低温探针台、液氮型低温探针台、无液氦闭循环低温探针台、超导磁体探针台、电磁铁探针台,各类超导磁体,氦液化回收装置等。 我们拥有良好技术背景的售前售后服务团队,为客户提供专业的技术服务,如安装、培训、维修、保养及仪器应用指导。 同时我司也自主研发设计多项产品。本公司拥有多年从事服务业的丰富经验,秉持着诚挚服务的经营理念,以提供高品质产品及高附加价值服务为初衷,针对客户各方需求,提供完善的问题解决方案。您的一次信任,将换来我们为您提供的诚挚服务。


1. Measurement Cable - Unterminated K24(2m) to FP24XL-P

• Professionally made laboratory measurement cable

• Individually serial numbered, tested and certificated

• 2m length of ultra-flexible 12-pair K24 cable (14mm di.)

• Large body FP24XL-P, mates to CMR-FR24-S


2. Measurement Cable - Unterminated K24(5m) to FP24XL-P

• Professionally made laboratory measurement cable

• Individually serial numbered, tested and certificated

• 5m length of ultra-flexible 12-pair K24 cable (14mm di.)

• Large body FP24XL-P, mates to CMR-FR24-S


3. Measurement Cable - Unterminated K24(10m) to FP24XL-P

• Professionally made laboratory measurement cable

• Individually serial numbered, tested and certificated

• 10m length of ultra-flexible 12-pair K24 cable (14mm di.)

• Large body FP24XL-P, mates to CMR-FR24-S


4. Measurement Cable - FP24XL-P to K24(5m) to FP24XL-P

• Professionally made laboratory measurement cable

• Individually serial numbered, tested and certificated

• 5m length of ultra-flexible 12-pair K24 cable (14mm di.)

• Both ends carry a large body FP24XL-P, wired pin to pin.

• All pairs individually shielded, shields connected to both connector bodies (can be removed to break ground loops)

• Mates to CMR-FR24-S


5. Measurement Cable - SP2 to B2 (1m) to SP2

• Professionally made laboratory measurement cable

• Individually serial numbered, tested and certificated

• 1m length of B2 cable (3.5mm di.)

• Both ends carry a low-noise SP2 connector, wired pin to pin.

• Cable shields connected to both connector bodies (can be removed to break ground loops)

• Mates to CMR-SR2


6. Measurement Cable - SP2 to B2 (2m) to SP2

• Professionally made laboratory measurement cable

• Individually serial numbered, tested and certificated

• 2m length of B2 cable (3.5mm di.)

• Both ends carry a low-noise SP2 connector, wired pin to pin.

• Cable shields connected to both connector bodies (can be removed to break ground loops)

• Mates to CMR-SR2


7. Measurement Cable - SP2 to B2 (3m) to SP2

• Professionally made laboratory measurement cable

• Individually serial numbered, tested and certificated

• 3m length of B2 cable (3.5mm di.)

• Both ends carry a low-noise SP2 connector, wired pin to pin.

• Cable shields connected to both connector bodies (can be removed to break ground loops)

• Mates to CMR-SR2


8. Measurement Cable - SP2 to B2 (5m) to SP2

• Professionally made laboratory measurement cable

• Individually serial numbered, tested and certificated

• 5m length of B2 cable (3.5mm di.)

• Both ends carry a low-noise SP2 connector, wired pin to pin.

• Cable shields connected to both connector bodies (can be removed to break ground loops)

• Mates to CMR-SR2




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