




Binder-Free Glass Microfiber Grades 无黏合剂玻璃微纤维滤纸


Whatman 玻璃纤维滤膜系列


Multigrade GMF 150 预滤膜150






3-Piece Filter Funnels 三件套过滤漏斗

广州匹泰仪器设备有限公司自2010年成立以来,一直秉承“和谐创新、发展”的企业宗旨,以早日成就中国实验室领域品牌—匹泰(petains)为企业目标,以满足客户实验方案并为其提供一站式、整体化实验产品需求为标准。坚持循序渐进的科学发展模式,不断加大科研投入,一方面积极引进进技术和产品满足客户需求,同时不断加强自主创新和产学研成果转化。 公司致力于各类科研仪器设备与耗材的研发与销售,旨在为广大客户提供的产品、惠的价格和最竭诚的服务。目前公司上市的自主品牌仪器有超声波清洗机、过滤装置、氮吹仪、培养箱、马弗炉等;部分大中型通用仪器设备可根据客户实际需求实现个性化、专业化订制。公司将个性化、人性化的设计理念导入到仪器中,在追求品质不断提升的过程中,尽可能使自主品牌仪器实现科技与人文的结合;同时匹泰仪器公司通过与、中山大学等相关科研院所合作,积极推进新材料及新技术方面的研制和成果转化,如聚氨酯大气采样膜等。    为满足客户一站式实验需求,公司同时专业代理销售各类国外品牌实验仪器和相关配件耗材,包括环境科学仪器—气相仪、质谱仪、液相仪、大气采样器、污泥采样器、超纯水系统、过滤器、气象站、干湿沉降、酸雨采集器等;生命科学仪器—荧光定量PCR、MP快速样品制备系统、旋光仪、高速冷冻离心机、移液器、瓶口分配器、厌氧箱、安全柜、流式细胞仪等;地质系统仪器设备-原子示踪仪、伽马能谱仪、激光粒度仪、定位系统等;以及实验通用仪器—PH计、水浴锅、蠕动泵、恒流泵、冻干机、旋转蒸发仪、固相萃取系统、检测设备、紫外分光仪等。产品广泛应用于能源环保、生物化学、地质采矿、医药卫生、烟草检测、检验检疫、石油化工和轻工食品等众多领域。通过不断积累,公司与国外及部分国内总代理建立良好的合作关系。目前是安捷伦、岛津、马尔文、热电、GE(Whatman)、颇尔 、沃特斯 (Waters)、MPbio、Mibio、SKALAR、RBS等国际品牌的专业经销商,公司有能力和责任保证进口仪器及配件货真价实、质量稳定可靠。 多年以来,公司在员工不懈努力和广大客户支持下,自主品牌产品不断赢得客户青睐和广泛使用;经销品牌产品随着销量不断攀升,其性价比越来越高,价格优势和技术服务水准不断提升。公司实验室产品供应一站式、整体化模式的综合优势不断提升。


Glass Microfiber Filters with Binder 含有黏合剂的玻璃微纤维滤纸

Grade GF 6: Inorganic binder
Good retention for very fine particles. This filter is used in water pollution applications, for removing protein from difficult-to-filter beers, for determination of chlorophyll and phytoplankton residues, for the determination of filterable substances and the residue on ignition (dry weight), for the analysis of aggressive media (e.g., acidic gases), for scintillation measurements and for determination of the elemental iron content in the presence of iron oxides.

Grade GF 8: Inorganic binder
This glass fiber filter is used in the filtration of coarse particles. Frequently used in environmental analysis, in the determination of PCB, DDE, DDT, furans and dioxins in the air; pollution measurements in industrial, urban and populated areas, cement factories, iron and steel industry, dust measurements at the workplace, determination of the dust fraction in technical gases, and testing the effectiveness of dust-collecting.

Grade GF 9: Inorganic binder
Used in similar applications to GF 8.

Grade GF 10: Organic binder
This filter with extreme mechanical stability and temperature resistant up to 180°C is used as a weighing aid for infrared weighing and as a roll filter in automatic air filtration units.

Grade GF 92: Inorganic binder
This filter is used as a membrane prefilter in applications such as the determination of crop protection agent residues by GC or HPLC, in cold sludge determination of beer, in soot separation before gas analyzers and as roll filters in automatic air filtration units.

Grade GF 3362: Inorganic binder
Thicker and slightly denser than GF 9, for the fast filtration of large amounts of particles.

Typical Properties - Glass Microfiber Grades with Binder
GradeDescriptionAir flow
(s/100 ml/ 1.56 cm2)
thickness (µm)
weight (g/m2)
GF 6Inorganic binder4035080
GF 8Inorganic binder1235080
GF 9Inorganic binder2735070
GF 10Organic binder1235070
GF 92Inorganic binder2735070
GF 3362Inorganic binder34500130

Ordering Information - Glass Microfiber Filters with Binder
Catalog NumberDescription

Grade GF 6

Grade GF 6 circles, 25 mm, 200/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 47 mm, 200/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 50 mm, 200/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 55 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 70 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 90 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 100 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 110 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 125 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 150 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 185 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 200 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 6 circles, 240 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 6 sheets, 610 x 620 mm, 100/pk

Grade GF 8

Grade GF 8 circles, 47 mm, 200/pk
Grade GF 8 circles, 90 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 8 sheets, 60 x 90 mm, 100/pk

Grade GF 9

Grade GF 9 circles, 50 mm, 200/pk
Grade GF 9 circles, 90 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 9 circles, 110 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 9 circles, 150 mm, 100/pk

Grade GF 10

Grade GF 10 circles, 47 mm, 200/pk
Grade GF 10 circles, 50 mm, 200/pk
Grade GF 10 circles, 90 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 10 circles, 100 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 10 circles, 150 mm, 100/pk

Grade GF 92

Grade GF 92 circles, 42 mm, 200/pk
Grade GF 92 circles, 44 mm, 200/pk
Grade GF 92 circles, 47 mm, 200/pk
Grade GF 92 circles, 50 mm, 200/pk
Grade GF 92 circles, 100 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 92 circles, 110 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 92 circles, 130 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 92 circles, 135 mm, 100/pk
Grade GF 92 circles, 142 mm, 100/pk

Grade GF 3362

Grade GF 3362 circles, 240 mm, 50/pk
Grade GF 3362 sheets, 610 x 620 mm, 100/pk




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