S40/100KG 拉力传感器S40/100KG/拉力传感器S40/100KG S40/100KG
1. S40 Technical data:
技术参数 Technical Data | 单位 Unit | S40 |
额定载荷Emax(Rated Capacity) | kg | 50,100,200,500 |
t | 1,2,3,5 | |
额定输出(Rated Output) | mV/V | 3.0±0.5% |
零点平衡(Zero Balance) | mV/V | 0±0.1 |
温度对灵敏度影响(Temperature Effect On Output) | %/10K | ±0.05 |
温度对零点影响(Temperature Effect On Zero) | %/10K | ±0.05 |
非线性误差(Non-Linearity) | % | ±0.03 |
滞后误差(Hysteresis Error) | % | ±0.03 |
蠕变及蠕变恢复(Creep/30 Min) | % | ±0.05 |
输入电阻(Input Resistance) | Ω | 389±3 |
输出电阻(Output Resistance) | Ω | 350±3 |
参考电压(Reference Excitation Voltage) | V | 5 |
*大工作电压(Maximum Excitation Voltage) | V | 15 |
绝缘电阻(Insulation Resistance) | GΩ/100V | >2 |
额定温度范围(Nominal Temperature Range) | ℃ | -10~+40 |
工作温度范围(Operating Temperature Range) | ℃ | -20~+50 |
储存温度范围(Storage Temperature Range) | ℃ | -30~+70 |
安全承载(Safe Load Limit) | % | 150 |
极限承载(Breaking Load) | % | 200 |
材料(Material) | | Stainless steel |
保护等级 (Protection class) | | IP66 |
All relative value specified refer to the nominal output
2. S40 Mounting dimension: