Agilent 1220 DAD
镁汇科技成立于2008 年,是一家集仪器分析测试仪器光源等核心部件的研发、生产、销售为一体的新技术企业,致力于分析测试仪器光源等核心部件,包括氘灯及电源、氙灯及电源、PID 灯、VOC 传感器、变送器等相关产品的研发生产和销售,是国内具有影响力的分析测试仪器光源等核心部件供应商。公司的产品遍布国内外,服务于制药、化工、环保等不同行业、不同领域,为设备制造商提供最完善的解决方案。镁汇科技拥有多项自主知识产权,依靠科技创新,在技术和应用领域不断突破的同时,与国外厂商和院校结为深度合作伙伴,兼容并蓄,不断向分析测试领域的纵深发展。镁汇科技拥有完善的售后服务体系,与国外企业合作,运用*的管理软件,为用户提供认证服务的及数据安全性整体解决方案。
置换Agilent 2140-0820/2140-0813
OEM货号 | 产地 | 寿命 | 仪器型号 | 仪器厂商 | 原装灯货号 |
MH | 日本 | 2000 | 1100/1200/1220/1260DAD/1260MD | Agilent | 2140-0820 |
Another bright idea from Agilent
Agilent’s certified lamps are manufactured under ISO 9001 certified environment and are fully traceable through out every step of the production process. Each lamp is then tested to ensure it meets Agilent’s specifications for performance. Test equipment is regularly calibrated using optical standards certified by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) or PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Berlin).
All lamps are tested for noise and drift specifications, correct operating voltage, light intensity and proper alignment.
Improved coating process increases Agilent 1100/1200 lamp lifetimes up to 50%.
Agilent deuterium lamps are designed with a much narrower aperture providing increased light intensity and decreased noise - translating into an appreciably higher signal-to-noise ratio.
By providing higher sensitivity, Agilent lamps can extend detection capabilities and improve qualification at trace levels - for more than 2,000 hours of use.