常州欧顿电子自控设备有限公司位于江苏省常州市,是一家专注于环保事业的重点企业,公司*在同行业中通过ISO9001-2008质量体系认证,获得多项国家发明证书。公司将秉承\"以人为本,科技创新\"的原则,致力于袋式除尘器配件的研制、开发和制造,公司产品包括电磁脉冲阀、清灰控制仪、滤袋、弹簧、框架、*配件、电气控制柜及过滤筒等,是国内生产袋式除尘器配件品种较为齐全、质量***为稳定的*。其袋式除尘产品广泛应用于电力、 冶金、建材、垃圾焚烧、化工等行业。在过去的数年里,公司的产品和服务得到了市场的认可及肯定,产品出口到数十个国家。
公司占地面积20000平方米,建筑面积15000平方米,公司拥有年产25万只电磁脉冲阀生产线、200万只滤袋*生产线,年产2万台清灰控制仪净化车间。公司测试设备齐全,生产工艺* ,所具有基本实现自动化及半自动化生产。使产品性能和质量较为稳定,从而保证了欧顿产品的市场竞争力。
电磁脉冲阀线圈采用高于国标级绝缘注射在防护等级为}P65全灌封,全铜漆包线,圈数高于国家标准,保证电磁脉冲阀600万次通电吸合不损坏,电磁线圈可以在脉冲阀芯上360“旋转,接线盒可以4 x 90°旋转安装,可防止暴露在露天时雨水进入,极大方便了不同角度安装。
DMF-Y type electromagnetic pulse valve installed directly in gas tank (gas bag), known for submerged (also known as embedded) low pressure valve,and the output port by connecting pipe extends to sub air box and a dust remover injection pipe connected, with good liquidity, low pressure loss,in the field of low pressure gas source to provide ideal deashing pulse flow, suitable for all kinds of filter element cleaning.
工作压力Operating pressure | 0.2~0.6MPa |
工作介质Working medium | 清洁空气Clean air |
电压Voltage | DC24V AC110V AC220V(士10%) |
电流Current | 1A 0.46A 0.23A |
温度等级Temperature level | 1.常温-25℃~80℃(-13℉~176℉) 2.高温-25℃~23℃(-13℉~446℉) |
空气相对湿度Relative humidity of air | 空气的相对湿度≤85% |
防护等级Degree of protection | IP65 |
膜片寿命Diaphragm life | 高于100万次,或3-5年 |
备注:1.电磁脉冲阀均可装消音器。 2.电磁脉冲阀可选配有认证的防爆线圈。
阀体Body | ADC12铝合金 ADC12 aluminum alloy |
卡簧Clamp spring | 304不锈钢 304stainless steel |
先导组件Pilot component | 430FR不锈钢等材料 430FR stainless steel,etc |
膜片Diaphragm | 丁睛橡胶/氟橡胶Nitrite rubber/fluororubber(high-temperature valve) |
弹簧Spring | 304不锈钢 304 stainless steel |
紧固体Fastener | 302不锈钢 302 stainless steel |
Diaphragm with the top end of the film, the quality and import comparable, super tensile, each piece of the film are strictly detectedbefore entering the assembly line, the assembly after each finished product valve testing, the indicators are all qualified before the factory
使用阶段 Stage of use | 故障现象 Fault | 原因分析 Cause analysis | 排除方法 Eliminating method |
安装调试中 Installation and Commissioning | 所有阀无法打开,但先导部分 有动作 Not all the valves can be opened,but the pilot part is running | 检查气包压力是否过低 Check whether the air tank pressure is too low | 排查漏气 Check and prevent air leakage |
某些阀不工作,其他阀正常 Some valves cannot run while others can | 检查阀的线路连接及线圈 Check the line connections and sole-noids of the valves | 更换配件 Replace relevant parts | |
所有阀无法关闭,有漏气, 气包压力无法建立 Not all the valves can be closed;there is air leakage; the air tank pressure cannot be established | 阀的进气口与喷吹口相反安装 The air inlets and air outlets of the valves are reversely Installed | 重新安装 Install the valves again | |
某些阀无法关闭,有漏气 Some valves cannot be closed, there is air leakage | 有杂质吸附在膜片上,动铁芯有卡死现象 There are foreign matters on the diaphragms; the armatures are seized | 清洁膜片,检查膜片是否完整, 检查动铁芯及气塞 Clean the diaphragms and check whether they are complete; check the armatures and the air plugs | |
使用过程中 Use | 阀关闭缓慢 Valve closing is slow | 膜片节流孔受堵 The diaphragm orifices are blocked | 疏通膜片节流孔 Unblock them |
某些阀漏气,膜片关不死, 阀常开 Some valves leak, they often open,their diaphragms cannot be closed com-pletely | 有杂质吸附在膜片上,先导损坏,动铁芯有卡死现象 There are foreign matters on the diaphragms; the pilot parts are dam-aged; the armatures are seized | 清洁膜片,检查膜片是否完整, 检查动铁芯及塞等,及时更换配件 Clean the diaphragms and check whether they are complete; check the armatures and the air plugs; replace relevant parts promptly | |
线圈发热,烧毁 There is solenoid heating or burning | 长时间通电 The valves have been powered on for a very long time | 检查控制系统的工作状况 Cheak the operating status of the control system | |
有电压,但阀不动作 There is voltage but the valves cannot run | 膜片损坏或节流孔受堵 Diaphragm is damaged, pilot opening is blocked | 及时更换配件 Replace relevant parts promptly | |
环境温度低,阀有漏气或无法打开 The ambient temperature is low; the valves leak or cannot be opened | 环境温度过低,阀内有结冰现象 Ambient air temperature too low valve intelnal frozen | 注意保温 Keep a properly high temperature |