ZAZQ、ZAZX 电动三通合流调节阀分流调节阀
The strong valve door limited company of treasure in Shanghai City is 1 to gather a research, development and produce and sell various high, medium and low-pressure valve door a business enterprise。
The various"the treasure is strong" brand series valve door of production, our company carries out according to the ISO9001 quality system standard, popular the whole whole country, sell as far as Middle East, Europe and America, and region in Southeast Asia, with superior of the qualitywin the public good opinion and trust。
The product has brake valve series, closes valve series, decompression valve series, check valve series, safe valve series, ball valve series, butterfly valve series, steam trap series, pillar to fill valve series, revolve to fill valve series, the forged steel valve door series respectively, stainless steel valve door series, the United States mark valve door series, give or get an electric shock station valve door series, breathe valve series, diaphragm valve series, water conservancy control valve series, electromagnetism valve series, needle type valve series, regulate valve series etc. ……Mr. call a path 6 mms mms-2000ses(1/4 ″s-80 ″s), Mr. calls the pressure 0.1 Mpas Mpas-60ses(150 Lbs Lbs-3500ses), working temperature-196 ℃ -1300 ℃ .Corpus material adoption:WCB.WC6, WC9, 2 GCr5 Moses, 2 G1s, the product is extensively applied in the petroleum, chemical engineering, metallurgy, electric power and turns fatty, steel, make a medicine etc. realm.
The treasure strong development, receive benefit in the right development way of thinking, the construction strength of the brand, the good quality of the product, perfect after-sales service, also can not get away from numerous sale elites a glimmer of in the market, the publicity treasure strong brand and the expansion treasure strong product, the treasure is strong of strong, is a treasure strong person and sale the companies cooperation double win of best substantial evidence.
"The destiny is common, the benefits double wins, the production & sales holds hands, expand a market" is the market principle that the treasure is strong to follow.Welcome new old customer to the visit of our company an interview with all sincerity, hang to inquire patronage, create brilliancy together.
ZAZQ(X)型电动三通合流(分流)调节阀有合流和分流二种型式,由DKZ电动执行机构和三通合流或三通分流调节组成,以电源为动力,接受统一的标准信号0~10mA DC或4-20mA Dc驱使阀门开度与此操作信号相对应。合流阀的作用是将一种流体分成两路流体。分流合流阀只能对应选用,但当DN≤80时,合流阀可用于分流场合。可替代两台单、双座调节阀,节省投资,占据空间小。三通调节阀通常用于热交换器的两种介质调节,及简单的配比调节。
二、电动三通分(合)流调节阀 主要技术参数
公称通径mm 合流 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300
分流 80 100 125 150 200 250 300
额定流量系数Kv 合流 8.5 13 21 34 52 85 135 210 340 535 800 1260
分流 85 135 210 340 535 800 1260
公称压力 MPa 1.6 4.0 6.0
流量特性 直线
构 Ⅱ型 DKZ-310 DKZ-310 DKZ-410 DKZ-510 DKZ-510
Ⅲ型 DKZ-510C DKZ-310C DKZ-410C DKZ-510C DKZ-510C
出轴推力(N) 4000 4000 6400 16000 16000
行程mm 16 25 40 60 100
上阀盖型式 1.6 1.0 2.5 1.6 1.5 1.0 0.65 0.4 0.3 0.16 0.26 0.18
允许压差(MPa) 普通式(常温型),热片式(中温型)
介质温度℃ -40~230℃(常温型),散热片式230~450℃(中温型),特殊订货-100~600℃
可调比 30:1
法兰标准 铸铁按JB78-59,铸钢按JB79-59
输入阻抗 Ⅱ型:200 Ⅲ型:250
出厂状态 电开(对上阀座而言),如需电关,订货时应注明
项目 指标值
基本误差% 配3810L±2.5; 带定位器 ±1.0
回差% 配381L ±2.0; 配PSL±1.0
死区% 1.0
始终点偏差% 电开 始点 ±2.5
终点 ±2.5
电关 始点 ±2.5
终点 ±2.5
可调范围 50:1
额定行程偏差% 2.5
泄量量L/H 符合JB/T7387-94 IV级 小于阀的额定容量×10-4
分流 合流 PN1.6 PN4.0 PN6.4 分流 合流 PN1.6 PN4.0 PN6.4 PN1.6 PN4.0 PN6.4
普通型 热片型 普通型 热片型
25 520 490 185 190 200 715 865 140 150 160
32 520 490 200 210 210 721 871 150 160 170
40 520 490 220 230 235 733 883 160 170 180
50 520 490 250 255 265 748 898 180 190 200
65 520 520 275 285 295 839 999 200 220 220
80 520 520 305 310 320 872 1032 842 1002 225 250 265 210 230 240
100 520 520 350 355 370 896 1056 846 1006 245 275 285 220 250 260
125 520 520 410 425 440 947 1162 897 1112 284 320 325 260 300 300
150 520 520 450 460 475 947 1162 897 1112 305 340 340 280 320 320
200 520 520 550 560 570 965 1180 905 1120 350 400 410 320 380 380
250 520 520 670 740 750
300 520 520 770 805 82
五、电动三通分(合)流调节阀 主零件材料
1 阀体 WCB CF8 CF8M CF3M
2 阀座 304 304 316 316L
3 阀芯 304 304 316 316L
4 导向套 WCB CF8 CF8M CF3M
5 阀盖 WCB CF8 CF8M CF3M
6 阀杆 304 304 316 316L
7 填料 PTFE/柔性石墨
8 弹簧 65Mn 304 316 316L
9 螺母 304 304 316 316L
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