




东莞市齐协微波设备有限公司是东莞市专业从事研发、生产、销售微波能应用设备的现代型。座落于中国制造名城——东莞长安,长安是中国机械五金模具名镇和中国电子信息产业重镇,也是中国市场名镇,地处于东莞市南端,东邻深圳市,南临珠江口,西连虎门港;是广州往深圳、香港的必经之地,地理位置*,交通十分便捷。 东莞齐协主要微波技术设计人员由拥有10多年工业微波应用技术的专家和一批从事多年微波能应用设备生产的工程技术人员组成,严格按照GMP、FDA标准研制出十多种系列产品,应用技术制造国内新一代“齐协”(QX)品牌915MHz、2450MHz两种频率各种规格、型号的微波能应用设备。其产品广泛应用于食品、制药、化工、冶金、陶瓷、橡胶、家具、建材、制茶、纸业、纺织、烟草、饲料等行业产品的加热、熟化、解冻、发泡、干燥、杀菌、杀青、膨化、硫化、脱硫、脱腥、高温煅烧、烘焙、定型、固化、萃取、杀虫以及防霉、保鲜等处理。 主营产品:工业微波设备、微波工业加热干燥设备、微波真空干燥机、微波干燥设备、微波杀菌设备、微波萃取(提取)设备、微波发泡设备、微波高温烧结设备、微波解冻设备、微波食品熟化设备、微波食品干燥设备、微波食品杀菌设备、微波食品膨化设备、大豆微波脱腥设备、微波食品烘焙设备、金银花微波杀青干燥机、茶叶微波杀青干燥机、微波制药干燥设备、微波制药干燥灭菌机、化工原料微波干燥设备、微波饲料干燥设备、盒饭微波加热设备、微波木材干燥设备、纸制品微波干燥设备、乳胶制品微波干燥设备、皮革微波干燥设备、陶瓷微波干燥定型设备、人造大理石微波加热固化设备、纺织品微波烘干设备等。 微波能应用设备作为一种新型的环保设备,直接利用电能转换成热能。在煤炭、石油传统能源供应日趋紧张的未来,微波能应用设备不但能提高企业的生产效率,降低生产成本,还能优化生产环境,是现代企业进行设备升级及新投生产线的。 我公司执行“没有、只有更好”的企业精神,对研发、生产、销售、售后等环节实行系统化管理,不断完善各项细节,生产的微波能应用设备外形美观,,性能*,各项技术指标均达到行业*水平,并得到了广大客户的认可和推荐。 我公司负责成套设备的安装与调试;现场技术指导和人员实际操作、维护及检修的培训;产品保修壹年、终身技术服务。承接相关配套工程、各种应用实验、中试放大生产及技术服务,上门检修各种微波能应用设备。 我公司秉承“一、顾客至上”的原则,竭诚为国内外广大客户朋友提供优质的服务,希望通过我们的真诚与努力能够成为您长期的合作伙伴,共创辉煌!





设备型号    QX-30HM7
输入电源    三相五线 380V±10% 50Hz±1% (零线需与相线一样大)
额定输入功率    45KVA
微波输出功率    30KW    (功率分段可调)
微波频率    2450MHz±50MHz
设备外型尺寸    长×宽×高    11630×1310×1668(mm)
传输速度    0.5-5M/min
环境温度    0-40℃    相对湿度≤80%
微波加热箱数量    7个    可按照产量设计
微波馈入方式    顶部馈入    可按照工艺要求特殊设计
微波抑制器开口高度    50mm
电器冷却方式    磁控管水冷,变压器油浸水循环冷却
设备微波泄漏标准    符合国家GB10436-89标准(≤5mw/cm2)
设备电气安全标准    符合国家GB5226电气安全标准
传动功率规格:    1.5KW    变频调速
测温范围、精度:    0-350℃
控制方式    按钮控制
设备产量    每小时干燥脱水:30KG



Microwave dryer

The purpose of microwave dryer is:

Mainly used for paste food, powder food, granular food, agricultural products, and other products that need to be dried by microwave drying sterilization; microwave dryer can be designed and manufactured according to the different needs of different products.

Heating principle of microwave dryer

Microwave refers to electromagnetic waves with frequencies ranging from 300 MHz to 300000 trillion Hz. The water molecules in the heated medium are polar molecules. Under the fast changing high frequency electromagnetic field, its polar orientation will change with the change of external electric field, resulting in the movement of molecules and mutual friction effect. At this time, the field energy of microwave field can be transformed into heat energy in the medium, which makes the material temperature rise, and produces a series of physical and chemical processes, such as heating and expansion, to achieve the purpose of microwave heating and drying.

Technical parameters of microwave dryer

Equipment type QX-30HM7

Input power three phase five wire 380V + 10% 50Hz + 1% (zero line must be as big as phase line).

Rated input power 45KVA

Microwave output power 30KW (power segment adjustable)

Microwave frequency 2450MHz + 50MHz

The dimensions of the equipment are long * width * 11630 x 1310 x 1668 (mm).

Transmission speed 0.5-5M/min

Ambient temperature 0-40 C, relative humidity less than 80%

7 cases of microwave heating box can be designed according to output.

Microwave feed mode top feeding can be designed according to process requirements.

50mm height of microwave suppressor

Electrical cooling mode magnetron water cooling, transformer oil immersion cooling cycle

The microwave leakage standard of equipment is in line with the national GB10436-89 standard (less than 5mw/cm2).

The electrical safety standards of the equipment comply with the national GB5226 electrical safety standards.

Transmission power specification: 1.5KW variable frequency speed regulation

Temperature range and accuracy: 0-350 C

Control mode button control

The output of equipment is dry and dehydrated per hour: 30KG

The characteristics of microwave dryer are as follows:

Microwave drying is an efficient, energy saving, stable, reliable, simple device, easy to operate and new technology. Microwave dryer is characterized by continuous production of equipment, only need electricity, no need for other energy, can quickly dry materials, equipment occupies a small area, pollution-free, simple operation; no need for preheating and no energy loss after shutdown. Less manpower and high product quality. The equipment is highly evolved. It is a new and high technology product which can not be replaced by other devices.




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