VAT 角阀(Angle valves)


VAT 角阀(Angle valves)



VAT 控制阀(Control valves )

深圳市万德泉科技有限公司是一家集真空技术开发、应用与贸易于一体的专业公司。产品广泛运用于真空行业、镀膜、太阳能、半导体、科学研究、电力行业、航空航天、制造等领域。作为多家的真空设备及真空仪器供应商的代理商,我们可以为客户提供的全套真空解决方案,解决客户真空应用的难题,并且使客户的成本降到。我们代理销售的产品如下:瑞士Inficon (英福康)膜厚控制仪及探头、石英晶振片、真空计、检漏仪、残余气体分析仪、真空阀门、真空连接件。美国Agilent(安捷伦,原瓦里安)涡旋式干泵、分子泵、氦质谱检漏仪。英国Edwards (爱德华)旋片泵、涡旋干式泵、分子泵、真空规管。瑞士VAT插板阀、闸阀、蝶阀、角阀等全系列真空阀门。 日本Hitachi Metals(原Aera)质量流量控制器。美国MKS质量流量控制器。美国SRS 四级质谱残余气体分析仪。美国Keyhigh 陶瓷压电阀。韩国ONE C TECH低温冷肼、压缩机和冷媒销售美国Angstromsciences磁控溅射阴极、靶材、反应气体控制器。我们能提供维修业务的产品包括:MDC-360C/IC5/XTC2/SQC310/IC6/XTC3/等膜厚控制仪维修、inficon真空计维修,Edwards真空泵维修、inficon检漏仪维修、AERA流量计维修。



Angle valves, diaphragm valves

211 - Dosing Valve

Dosing- and closing valve

212 - Pressure Relief Valve

Protects tools against pressure >1.5 bar; Trigger point is adjustable between 1.2 and 1.5 bars abslout.

213 - Venting Valve

Venting valve

214 - Mini Vacuum Angle/Inline Valve DN5

Compact valves provide short cycle times

216 - HV-Angle/Inline Valve (DN16 - 40; DN63 - 160)

High vacuum angle valves with bellows feedthrough. Modular design.

220 - Diaphragm valve (DN 16 - 40)

Manually operated diaphragm valves with forged body and robust actuator.

244 - Vacuum angle valve (DN10 - 250)

Vacuum angle valves with shaft feedthrough. No actuator parts in the vacuum. Therefore, low particle. Modular design.

245 - Vacuum inline valve (DN10 - 50; DN80)

Inline valve with shaft feedthrough for large gas flows.

250 - HV angle valve

High vacuum cylinder valve

251 - HV inline valve

High vacuum cylinder valve

252 - HV 3/2 way valve

High vacuum Cylinder valves

263 - HV angle valve DN100 - 160

High vacuum angle valve with bellows feedthrough and large conductance.

264 - HV angle valve (DN10 - 250)

High vacuum angle valves with bellows feedthrough. Modular design.

265 - HV inline valve

Standard HV inline valve with bellows feedthrough.
For large gas flows we recommend Series 24.

284 - UHV angle valve (DN16, DN40, DN63)

UHV angle valves. Extremely low outgassing rate.

290 - Angle valve with soft-pump (DN25 - 80)

Offers reduced turbulence during initial pump down giving low particle count.

291 - Inline valve with soft-pump (DN25 - 50, DN80)

Offers reduced turbulence during initial pump down giving low particle count.

292 - Angle valve with soft-pump (DN100 - 160)

Offers reduced turbulence during initial pump down giving low particle count.

541 - Easy close all-metal angle valve

All-metal angle valve with patented VATRING sealing system. Used as isolation valves in UHV and extreme UHV systems. Manual actuator (hexagon head, inner-square or handwheel). The manual closing movement ends at a mechanical stop; no torque wrench needed. Bakeable to 300°C in the open and closed position. Fixed CF-R rotating flanges for CF edge protection and easy mounting. Easy seal replacement - two times a leak on the seat can easily be repaired on site. Highly radiation resistant.

570 - All-metal angle valve

ID63, 100 and 160. All-metal angle valves with patented VATRING sealing system. Used as isolation valves in UHV and extreme UHV systems. Available with manual actuator (hexagon head), double acting pneumatic actuator or spring closing actuator. Manual closing is performed with a specified torque. Bakeable to 300°C in open and closed position. High conductance. Radiation resistant.

571 - All-metal angle valve

ID 10, 16 and 40. All-metal angle valves with patented VATRING sealing system. Used as isolation valves in UHV and extreme UHV systems. Available with manual actuator (hexagon head) ID16 and 40, double acting pneumatic actuator or spring closing actuator. The manual closing movement ends at a mechanical stop; no torque wrench needed. Bakeable to 450°C in the open position and to 350°C in the closed position (DN10 max. 250°C). High conductance. Radiation resistant.

590 - Variable leak valve

All metal variable leak valve for precise, reproducible adjustment of gas flows. Available with manual actuator (knurled knot) or stepper motor driven. Closing to a mechanical stop to give a reliable leak tight position without the risk of over tightening. Bakeable to 300°C in the open and closed position and no requirement for lubrication during the specified lifetime.




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