



















  江苏一泉泵业有限公司地处长江下游的靖江市新桥镇,面江临海,与苏,锡,常隔江相望,江阴长江大桥,新长铁路,宁通高速公路,广靖高速公路交叉而过,沟通苏南沿江的沪宁高速公路和沿江高速公路,具有*的交通和通讯条件。  Jiangsu Yiquan Pump Limited Compangy is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Xinqiao Town,Jingjiang City.It faces the sea, and Su, Xi,Chang,Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge,Xinchang Railway, Ningtong Expressway, Guangjing Expressway cross and communicates the Hu-Ning Expressway with the Riverside Expressway in the south of Jiangsu Province , it has excellent traffic and communication conditions.  江苏一泉泵业有限公司是从事立,卧式,单,双吸离心泵,石油化工泵和冶金行业等专业制造企业,公司集机械制造,冷热加工,熔模铸造,科研生产为一体。公司生产装备,理化试验,检测手段齐全,拥有现代化的水泵性能测试中心,产品设计,过程控制采用计算机客理。公司主要产品有:IH型不锈钢化工泵,CZ型标准化工泵,ZA型化工石油泵,SPP型化工混流泵,FY型液下泵,WFB型自控自吸泵,FJX型强制循环泵,AFB不锈钢耐腐泵,UHB耐腐耐磨砂浆泵等。公司同时提供来图,来样定制加工。  Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the construction of the project and the development of high and new technology. In the course of the development of the company, we can make full use of the scientific and technological advantages of the school and the advantage of talent. On the one hand, the scientific and technological achievements are converted to the actual engineering construction in a timely manner. On the other hand, new products are developed according to the needs of the project. After years of development, both in the construction of the project and in the development of new technology have made great achievements. With first-class technology, first-class products, first-class management and first class service, our company is enthusiastic to cooperate with all walks of life, design institutes and research institutes at home and abroad to provide better products for users.  公司奉行“一,用户至上”的宗旨,坚持:以质量求生存,以品种求发展,以管理求效益”的指导思想,加快产品开发,做到“改进一步,研制一代,生产一代,储备一代”,保证满足用户的需求及提供良好的服务,按照GB/T19001:94标准,建立了完善的质量体系,并通过了ISO9001质量体系认证。  Our Company adheres to the "quality first, users first" purpose, adhere to the quality of survival, variety development, guiding ideology to management for efficiency ", accelerating product development, achieing the" one step, the development of generation, production generation, reserve generation "to ensure to meet the needs of users and provide good service, in accordance with the GB/T19001:94 standard, has established a perfect quality control system, and passed the ISO9001 quality system certification.  公司自成立以来,一直把经营重点放在工程建设和*开发上。在公司发展过程中充分利用学校的科技优势,人才优势。一方面,及时地将科技成果转化到工程建设实际中去。另一方面,根据工程需要,开发新产品。经过多年的发展,无论在工程建设上还是在新技术开发上都取得了不俗的成绩。公司以的技术,的产品,的管理,的服务,热忱与国内外各界同仁,设计院,研究院进行广泛的技术与经贸合作,为用户提供更好的产品。  Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the construction of the project and the development of high and new technology. In the course of the development of the company, we can make full use of the scientific and technological advantages of the school and the advantage of talent. On the one hand, the scientific and technological achievements are converted to the actual engineering construction in a timely manner. On the other hand, new products are developed according to the needs of the project. After years of development, both in the construction of the project and in the development of new technology have made great achievements. With first-class technology, first-class products, first-class management and first class service, our company is enthusiastic to cooperate with all walks of life, design institutes and research institutes at home and abroad to provide better products for users.


    JYWQ自动搅匀排污泵是本司在吸收技术的基础上,采用优秀的水力模型开发研制而成的新型环保类产品,JYWQ泵是在普通排污泵的基础上采用自动搅拌装置,该装置随电机轴旋转,产生的搅拌力,将污水池内的沉积物搅拌成悬浮物,吸入泵内排出,提高了泵的防堵、排污能力,一次性完成了排水、清污、除淤、节约了运行成本,是具有明显的*性和用性的环保产品。JYWQ排污泵在排送固体颗粒和长纤维垃圾以及减少污水坑内沉积等方面,具有功能。广泛适用于化工、石油、 制药、采矿、造纸、电厂及城市污水处理、市政工程、公共设施排污等行业部门。JYWQ泵水力性能*成熟,性能指标已达到或超过国外同类产品*技术水平。

    型号 扬程 m3/h 扬程 m 功率 kw 转速 r/min 搅拌直径 mm
    25JYWQ2-10-1200-0.37 2 10 0.37 2900 1200
    25JYWQ4-10-1200-0.55 4 10 0.55
    25JYWQ6-10-1200-0.75 6 10 0.75
    25JYWQ6-15-1200-1.1 6 15 1.1
    25JYWQ8-22-1200-1.1 8 22 1.1
    25JYWQ10-15-1200-1.5 10 15 1.5
    25JYWQ8-20-1200-2.2 10 12 2.2
    32JYWQ8-12-1200-0.75 8 12 7.5
    32JYWQ6-15-1200-1.1 6 15 1.1
    32JYWQ12-15-1200-1.5 12 15 1.5
    32JYWQ10-20-1200-2.2 10 20 2.2
    40JYWQ10-10-1200-0.75 10 10 7.5
    40JYWQ8-15-1200-1.1 8 15 1.1
    40JYWQ8-20-1200-1.5 8 20 1.5
    40JYWQ12-15-1200-1.5 12 15 1.5
    40JYWQ15-20-1200-2.2 15 20 2.2
    50JYWQ20-7-1200-0.75 20 7 0.75
    50JYWQ10-10-1200-0.75 10 10 0.75
    50JYWQ33-7-1200-1.1 33 7 1.1
    50JYWQ25-10-1200-1.5 25 10 1.5
    50JYWQ20-15-1200-1.5 20 15 1.5
    50JYWQ15-15-1200-1.5 15 15 1.5
    50JYWQ15-20-1200-2.2 15 20 2.2
    50JYWQ15-25-1200-2.2 15 25 2.2
    50JYWQ25-15-1200-2.2 25 15 2.2
    50JYWQ42-9-1200-2.2 42 9 2.2
    50JYWQ30-10-1200-2.2 30 10 2.2
    50JYWQ20-25-1200-3 20 25 3
    50JYWQ25-18-1200-3 25 18 3
    50JYWQ15-25-1200-3 15 25 3
    50JYWQ 25-20-1400-4 25 20 4 1400
    50JYWQ30-18-1400-4 30 18 4
    50JYWQ40-15-1400-4 40 15 4
    50JYWQ20-30-1600-5.5 20 30 5.5 1600
    50JYWQ25-25-1600-5.5 25 25 5.5
    50JYWQ20-40-1600-7.5 20 40 7.5
    50JYWQ25-35-1600-7.5 25 35 7.5
    65JYWQ25-10-1200-1.5 25 10 1.5 1200
    65JYWQ35-7-1200-2.2 35 7 2.2
    65JYWQ30-10-1200-2.2 30 10 2.2
    65JYWQ25-15-1200-2.2 25 15 2.2
    65JYWQ40-9-1400-3 40 9 3 1400
    65JYWQ35-10-1400-3 35 10 3
    65JYWQ37-13-1400-3 37 13 3
    65JYWQ30-20-1400-4 30 20 4
    65JYWQ40-15-1400-4 40 15 4
    65JYWQ25-30-1400-4 25 30 4
    65JYWQ40-20-1600-5.5 40 20 5.5 1600
    65JYWQ32-25-1600-5.5 32 25 5.5
    65JYWQ30-30-1600-5.5 30 30 5.5
    65JYWQ40-30-1600-7.5 40 30 7.5
    65JYWQ30-40-1600-7.5 30 40 7.5
    65JYWQ30-45-2000-11 30 45 11  2000
    65JYWQ30-50-2000-15 30 50 15
    65JYWQ30-60-2000-18.5 30 60 18.5
    80JYWQ40-7-1200-2.2 40 7 2.2 1450 1200
    80JYWQ35-9-1200-2.2 35 9 2.2
    80JYWQ30-12-1200-2.2 30 12 2.2
    80JYWQ50-7-1200-3 50 7 3 2900
    80JYWQ45-10-1200-3 45 10 3
    80JYWQ43-13-1200-3 43 13 3
    80JYWQ40-15-1400-4 40 15 4 1400
    80JYWQ65-10-1600-5.5 65 10 5.5 1600
    80JYWQ50-20-1600-5.5 50 20 5.5
    80JYWQ40-25-1600-5.5 40 25 5.5
    80JYWQ30-30-1600-5.5 30 30 5.5
    80JYWQ65-25-1600-7.5 65 25 7.5
    80JYWQ50-20-1600-7.5 50 20 7.5
    80JYWQ40-30-1600-7.5 40 30 7.5
    80JYWQ30-40-1600-7.5 30 40 7.5
    100JYWQ70-6-1200-3 70 6 3 1450 1200
    100JYWQ85-7-1200-4 85 7 4
    100JYWQ70-15-1200-4 70 15 4
    100JYWQ100-7-1400-5.5 100 7 5.5 1400
    100JYWQ80-10-1400-5.5 80 10 5.5
    100JYWQ65-15-1400-5.5 65 15 5.5
    100JYWQ120-7-1400-7.5 120 7 7.5
    100JYWQ100-10-1400-7.5 100 10 7.5
    100JYWQ85-15-1400-7.5 85 15 7.5
    100JYWQ85-20-1400-7.5 85 20 7.5
    100JYWQ100-15-1600-11 100 15 11 1600
    100JYWQ120-20-1600-11 120 20 11
    100JYWQ100-25-1600-11 100 25 11
    100JYWQ120-25-2000-15 120 25 15 2000
    100JYWQ100-30-2000-15 100 30 15
    100JYWQ120-30-2000-18.5 120 30 18.5
    100JYWQ100-35-2000-18.5 100 35 18.5
    100JYWQ100-40-2000-22 100 40 22
    150JYWQ150-7-1400-7.5 150 7 7.5 1450 1400
    150JYWQ145-9-1400-7.5 145 9 7.5
    150JYWQ110-15-1400-7.5 110 15 7.5
    150JYWQ200-7-1600-11 200 7 11 1450 980 1600
    150JYWQ150-12-1600-11 150 12 11
    150JYWQ200-10-2000-15 200 10 15 1450 2000
    150JYWQ180-15-2000-15 180 15 15
    150JYWQ180-20-2000-18.5 180 20 18.5
    150JYWQ150-26-2000-18.5 150 26 18.5
    150JYWQ180-25-2000-22 180 25 22
    150JYWQ200-20-2000-22 200 20 22
    150JYWQ240-20-3000-30 240 20 30 3000
    150JYWQ200-25-3000-30 200 25 30
    150JYWQ150-35-3000-37 150 35 37
    150JYWQ180-40-3000-45 180 40 45
    150JYWQ200-38-3000-45 200 38 45
    200JYWQ300-7-1200-11 300 7 11 980 1200
    200JYWQ250-11-2000-15 250 11 15 1450 2000
    200JYWQ300-8-2000-15 300 8 15
    200JYWQ250-15-2000-18.5 250 15 18.5
    200JYWQ300-9-2000-18.5 300 9 18.5
    200JYWQ400-10-2000-22 400 10 22
    200JYWQ400-10-2000-22 400 10 22 1450 2000
    200JYWQ360-12-2000-22 360 12 22
    200JYWQ300-15-2000-22 300 15 22
    200JYWQ150-10-3000-30 150 10 30 3000
    200JYWQ400-13-3000-30 400 13 30
    200JYWQ300-18-3000-30 300 18 30
    200JYWQ250-22-3000-30 250 22 30
    200JYWQ450-15-3000-37 450 15 37
    200JYWQ400-18-3000-37 400 18 37
    200JYWQ400-20-3500-45 400 20 45 3500
    200JYWQ350-25-350-45 350 25 45
    200JYWQ450-22-350-55 450 22 55
    200JYWQ400-25-3500-55 400 25 55
    250JYWQ600-9-2400-30 600 9 30 980 2400
    250JYWQ600-12-2400-37 600 12 37
    250JYWQ600-15-3500-45 600 15 45 1450 3500
    250JYWQ600-20-3500-55 600 20 55
    250JYWQ600-25-3500-75 600 25 75
    300JYWQ800-12-3500-45 800 12 45
    300JYWQ680-15-3500-45 680 15 45
    300JYWQ800-15-3500-55 800 15 55
    300JYWQ600-20-3500-55 600 20 55
    300JYWQ800-20-3500-75 800 20 75
    300JYWQ950-20-3500-90 950 20 90
    300JYWQ1000-25-3500-110 1000 25 110 1450
    350JYWQ950-14-3000-55 950 14 55 980 3000
    350JYWQ1260-12-3000-75 1260 12 75 980
    350JYWQ1450-14-3000-90 1450 14 90 980
    350JYWQ1130-18-3000-90 1130 18 90 980
    350JYWQ1250-20-3000-110 1250 20 110 740
    350JYWQ1500-20-3000-132 1500 20 132 740
    350JYWQ1500-26-3000-160 1500 26 160 980
    400JYWQ1800-10-3000-75 1800 10 75 590
    400JYWQ1700-12-3000-90 1700 12 90 740
    400JYWQ1900-12-3000-110 1900 12 110 980
    400JYWQ2000-15-3000-132 2000 15 132 740
    400JYWQ1700-22-3000-160 1700 22 160 980
    400JYWQ2000-18-3000-160 2000 18 160 740
    400JYWQ1950-23-3000-185 1950 23 185 980
    400JYWQ1980-26-3000-220 1980 26 220 980
    400JYWQ1800-32-3000-250 1800 32 250 980
    450JYWQ2300-10-3000-90 2300 10 90 590
    450JYWQ2260-14-3000-132 2260 14 132 740
    450JYWQ2280-20-3000-185 2280 20 185 740
    500JYWQ2500-10-3000-110 2500 10 110 590
    500JYWQ2500-12-3000-132 2500 12 132 590
    500JYWQ2500-16-3000-160 2500 16 160 740
    500JYWQ2500-18-3000-185 2500 18 185 740




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