美国邦纳Banner 传感器 激光距离传感器 激光传感器 进口传感器


美国邦纳Banner 传感器 激光距离传感器 激光传感器 进口传感器



凌圣机电科技(上海-东莞-成都-天津),成立于2005年,专注为中国制造业提供德国、日本及欧盟传动类工业品配件、技术支持和解决方案,拥有近15年的工业品技术服务经验。目前已获得德国ELBE联轴器、德国Wippermann链条、德国Murtfeldt链条导轨、森科嘉SENQCIA链条、日精Nissei GTR减速机、SPG减速电机、德国ETP联轴器等品牌代理证书。公司在德国设立分公司,拥有与德国原厂技术对接、商务淡判、大宗交易。可直接为国内制造企业输入*与服务。


Banner Engineering: Worldwide leader in process automation and industrial automation

Banner is a global leader in process and industrial automation, helping customers increase efficiency, reduce costs, ensure quality, monitor and control processes, and safeguard employees.

Rely on Banner for industry-leading photo eyes, sensors, vision sensors, wireless sensors,

machine safety, e-stop devices, vision lighting, and a wide assortment of indicator lights, tower lights, stack lights, and pick to lights.


Q4X Versatile, Rugged Laser Distance Sensor

The versatile, rugged laser distance sensor has superior performance, detecting distance changes as small as 1 mm with a reliable sensing range of 25 to 300 mm.

Detects distance changes as small as 1 mm

Reliable sensing range of 25 to 300 mm

Detects across a variety of target colors, materials and surfaces based on distance

Robust housing rated to IP69K with FDA-grade stainless steel

Rugged design resists mechanical impact, over tightening and extreme vibration

Clear distance readout from angled four-digit display

Easy setup with responsive buttons


Q3X Versatile, Rugged Laser Contrast Sensor

The versatile, rugged laser contrast sensor provides reliable, high-speed detection and fixed background suppression models allow for contrast detection in a fixed range while ignoring a background.

High-speed part detection as fast as 250 μs, capturing up to 2,000 events per second

Reliable sensing range up to 300 mm

Used for challenging presence/absence or orientation detection for applications with small contrast differences

Rugged, nickel-plated zinc housing suitable even for environments with cutting fluids and oils

Clear intensity readout from angled three-digit display

Easy setup with responsive buttons

Fixed background suppression models allow for contrast detection in a fixed range while ignoring a background


LE Series Laser Measurement Sensor

The LE series' linear array technology provides great performance and resolution regardless of detection object's color or sheen.

Ready to measure right out of the box

Easy adjustment with a two-line, eight-character intuitive display

Linear array provides repeatability and accuracy for challenging targets


L-GAGE LH Series

High speed, high precision, non-contact laser measurement sensor which provides accurate and stable displacement or thickness measurement on wood, metal, rubber, ceramic, and plastic parts.

Extremely accurate, robust and self-contained laser displacement sensor using a 1024 pixel CMOS

linear imager

Precise narrow laser spot for easy alignment to the target

Reliable and accurate measurement results on real world targets, such as machined metal, wood, ceramic, paper and painted targets

Target displacement or target thickness measurement with high resolution 4-20 mA or RS-485 serial communication outputs

Non-contact measurement for use on moving processes, hot parts, machined parts, and soft or sticky parts

Two sensors self-synchronize for thickness measurements and thickness calculation within the sensors; no external controller required


L-GAGE LG5 and LG10 Series

Conserves production space by using a one-piece design

Does not touch parts it measures, so can be used with moving processes, hot parts and sticky parts

Provides 12 to 30V dc supply voltage with either an NPN or PNP discrete output, and a 4-20 mA or 0-10V dc analog output

Automatically scales the analog output over the width of the programmed sensing window

Features outstanding maximum resolution of 3 μm for flat white targets

Uses an ultra-narrow beam to precisely measure distance, height or thickness

Available in ranges of 45 to 60 mm (LG5) and 75 to 125 mm (LG10)

Lets you pick the exact range you need with the push of a button

Features push-button TEACH-mode programming for custom sensing windows

Offers remote programming for added security and convenience

Uses push-button programming for three output response speeds





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