品牌/Brand | SANLIN | |
机组发电参数 Generator set | 型号/Model | SL3800CE |
额定功率/Reted power(KW) | 3.0 3.5 | |
峰值功率/Max power(KW | 3.2 3.8 | |
额定频率/Rated frequency(HZ) | 50 60 | |
额定电压/Rated voltage(V) | 115/230 120/240 | |
额定电流/Rated current(A) | 24.4/12.2 27.5/13.8 | |
功率因数/Power factor(COSφ) | 1.0 | |
相 数/Phase | 单相/1-Phase | |
发电机 Generator | 发电机型号规格/Generator model | 3KW/50HZ |
极 数/Number of poles | 2 | |
励磁方式/Excitation mode | 自激恒压(带AVR)/Self-excited constant voltage(AVR) | |
绝缘等级/Insulation grade | B | |
转 速(rpm)/Speed | 3000 3600 | |
面板形式/Panel type | 普通/Ordinary | |
接线柱/Post | 有 | |
DC 12V 直流输出/DC output | 接线柱输出/Connector output | |
插座个数/Number of socket | 2 | |
发动机 Engine | 发动机型号/Engine model | HS-178FE |
发动机形式/Engine type | 单缸、立式、四冲程、直喷式柴油发动机/Single cylinder, vertical, four stroke, direct injection diesel engine | |
汽缸数-缸径*冲程 | 1-78*62 | |
压缩比/Compression ratio | 20:01 | |
排量/Displacement(ml) | 296CC | |
标定功率(kW)/标定转数(rpm) /Rated power(kW)/Rated speed(rpm) | 5kw/3000 | |
旋转方向/Rotation direction | 逆时针(面对输出端)/CCW(face to output side) | |
润滑方式/Lubrucation method | 压力飞溅复合式/force-feed and splash lubrication | |
起动方式/Starting method | 手/电起动/Hand/Electric starter | |
冷却方式/Cooling | 风冷/Air-cooled | |
润滑油容量/Lubrication capacity(L) | 1.1L | |
燃油消耗率/Fuel consumption ratio(g/kW.h) | 276.1g/kw.h | |
润滑油型号/Lube.brand | CD级或SAE10W-30,15W-40 | |
燃油类型 | 0#(夏),-10#(冬),-20#(严寒) | |
配置参数 parameter parameters | 结构类型/Structure type | 开架式/Open-frame type |
噪音/Noise level/dB(A) | 70 | |
燃油箱容积/Fuel tank capacity(L) | 15 | |
连续运行时间(h)/Continuous working time | 12 | |
蓄电池容量/Battery capacity(V-Ah) | 12V 22HA | |
外形尺寸:长×宽×高/size(mm) | 640*480*530 | |
包装尺寸:长×宽×高/Packing size(mm) | 642*482*532 | |
净重/Net weight(Kg) | 59 | |
毛重/Gross weight(Kg) | 64 |