名称:进口卫生级减压阀 型号:Regus 口径:DN10-200 压力:1.6-6.4MPA 材质:WCB、304、316
阀体采用不锈钢304/316L材质锻造,阀门各个部件均由高精度数控设备加工,阀体内部采用精密抛光处理,保证了阀门的高洁净要求,外表面有多重处理方法:镜面,亚光,喷砂等,满足各种工况需求。适用介质:蒸汽,压缩空气,水等,其他介质需定制。 阀门使用参数: 进口端压力1.0MPA(10公斤) 出口端调压范围:0.08~0.8MPA(0.8~8公斤); 工作温度:165°, 建议进出口压差2公斤以上


雷格斯致力于为钱提供的价值,拥抱的产品完整性的标准,从单一的阀门到一个完整的软件包。此外,客户受益于我们的“总成本”的服务- 我们整理从最初的购买到安装和服务总包费用更换在产品生命周期结束。雷格斯是访问特定类型的阀门方面,我们提供给我们的客户。
Regus UK Portlethen area experts valve services valves, actuators, control package and related equipment to the oil, gas, petrochemical, steam, water treatment and related processing industries.
The main manufacturing trap inlet valve products are imported, imported valve, ball valve imported, imported electromagnetic valve, safety valve imports, import valve, globe valve imports, import butterfly, imported pneumatic angle seat valve, needle valve imports, import check valve, control valve, import filters.
As an important supply chain, Regus promote effective team with our customers, the industry's leading manufacturers and contractors. We believe that being proactive, listening to the market, is to maintain close contact with our customers so that we can respond to customer needs. Attention to detail is our basic operations and each product with the correct documentation, inspection and final delivery arrangements.
Regus is committed to providing value for money, and embrace the highest standards of product integrity, from a single valve to a complete package. In addition, customers benefit from our "total cost" service - we've put together from the initial purchase to install and service the total package cost of the replacement of the product life cycle. Regus is the global access to specific types of valves, we offer to our customers worldwide.