北京北方利辉试验仪器设备有限公司是一家专业致力于试验设备研发、 销告于-体的技术企业, 公司位于交通便利、工业繁华的北京市大兴区。自成立以来,公司认真精细地完善每一步检验程序,严格要求产品的每一 步工艺流程,追求*的*品质。 依托企业自身的人才技术、资金为科研电子、汽车石油、化工、医疗、通讯。各大院校等单位,提供符合GB、GJB、 IEC、 MIL. DIN等标准的各类环境试验仪器及检测设备,并可根据用户的需求设计制造各类非标专业性设备。利辉坚持“以人为本以科技为导向的原则" !用严格的管理手段及过硬的产品质量为广大客户提供质的试验设备,关心客户的切身利益,服务周到完善为客户的发展提供可靠的支持。秉承“品质成就品牌”的经营理念,-如既往地为广大新老客户提供*优质的试验设备和服务,树立利辉品牌。为方便广大客户提供*的的售前咨询、售后服务,公司在上海、杭州、南京武汉.深圳、安徽、河南、山西、重庆均设有办事处利辉坚信通过我们的合作与努力将达到我们共同的目标一品质成就品牌!产品系列:盐雾腐蚀试验箱/二氧化硫试验箱/高温试验箱/低温试验箱/恒温试验箱/恒温恒湿试验箱/高低温试验箱/交变高低温湿热试验箱/温度冲击试验箱/紫外光老化试验箱/气弧灯耐气候试验箱/臭氧老化试验箱/换气老化试验箱/毒菌试验箱/沙尘试验箱/淋雨试验箱/摆管淋雨试验设备/滴水试验设备/振动试验机/高温烘箱/真空干燥箱/精密干燥箱/二氧化碳培养箱/光照培养箱/生化培养箱/恒温培养箱/电热鼓风干燥箱/热空气消毒箱/防锈油脂试验箱/大型盐雾试验室/大型低温恒温试验室/大型高低温检测试验室Beijing Noth Fan ihui Tecompanyis lcated in cnvenient: EquipmentCo, Ltd”seialilede in tet ,equipment develcpment, poductonthei nepion he copayarelltransportation,n, ndustal heart oejing . Daxing IdutialDevelopment Zone. sincey rfind toimprove every step of the estisthe proces,; the pursuit of the perfet 10%0 quliy. RRebing on the eterpries"9 procedures, stictt product every step of .scientific; rserch mitan, aitionown peronnel,technology, cpitalofe. ptrolum, chemical,medical, comncations,3B, EC, MI, DIN andohestandardsvarious typesofenvronmental! test intuments andte! esting equipment,nd can design and monfactue acordining to the needs of .users of various nstandardrofefesional equipment.people. oiented, ehnoloogrorened pncile/ wpodud uy 0 povide our dente "he highet quallt tet euipment care ofstict managemnent tolo and ellent services and thhoughtful improvement。make he benr bushoshsof the customer's。s dleomntfeliblesesfcustomers thei;mmedite befts,sppr. Adherngng。o the "ualil' as always the new,. and old customers with ,h he highet proessional qulil testequipment ands! snvices. etabish the; brand l-Hui. Taciritee our cients withafll ange ofthe ,re-consutation,afersales serviice in Shanghai,,Hangzhou, Nanin, Wuhan.Lihui blieve, thrah our coperartion' with fors to reachShenzhen, Anhui, t; Henan, Shanxi,Chongo9ging. has ofices.our common goal. quslirqualty makes the brandiProducts: SaltsSpray Test Chamber// sufur doxidechamber /high emperauretemperature chambber /est chamber/high and low temperatuure / hiditetetpoterlow tmperature 1temperature/temperature shock chamb . ,”lenatining high and low/ozone aging) chamber 1 vntiatin' aging chamber/moldch! chambers/ dust chambers/ rain chamber // pendulum testequipment controlrrin/drip test equiponlomp weather rsistane; test chamberPrecision Drying/carbon doide inbatorment / vbration esting9 machine /high temgperature oven // vecuum oven/dning oven/hot airr dsinfection tank/an;r/liht icubtr! bichemical incubator/ther1 thrmostat iincubatoator/ lerietemperature /large9e- scale hg-tempeature福.。e tstig lboratoryrtory/obratory oflof large low