

OKE 进口水用高压减压阀



惠州费希尔阀门有限公司专业代理进口阀门企业、拥有30多年经营阀门经验,阀门严格按照标准检测,确保所有阀门出厂合格。产品各地、是国内阀门行业较具有实力的营销及售后服务的企业。我司长期致力于苛刻流体控制系统的现代化企业。公司秉承“质量为本,顾客至上”的经营理念,以优质的产品和完善的售后服务深得广大用户的信赖和赞誉。惠州费希尔阀门有限公司是专职代理、销售高档次进口阀门及执行机构之企业,拥有美国欧可(OKE)品牌在中国大陆地区一级代理权。已成为中国大陆地区经营品牌为齐全的专业阀门代理公司之一。凭借多年的稳定市场销售和良好信誉,与国外众多生产厂家建立了稳定的合作关系。 美国欧可主营产品:进口球阀、进口闸阀、进口蝶阀、进口底阀、进口调节阀、进口电磁阀、进口截止阀、进口止回阀、进口疏水阀、进口刀型闸阀、进口角座阀、进口放料阀、进口过滤器、进口针型阀、进口安全阀、进口旋塞阀、进口柱塞阀、进口平衡阀、进口气动阀门、进口电动阀门、进口高压阀门、进口中压阀门、进口低压阀门、进口高温阀门、进口高温高压阀门、进口保温阀门、进口水力控制阀、进口真空阀门、进口不锈钢阀门、进口衬胶阀门、进口衬氟阀门、进口蒸汽阀门、进口美标阀门、进口德标阀门、进口波纹管阀门、进口卫生级阀门、美国欧可OKE阀门品牌等。产品广泛应用于电站、石化、锅炉、空调、机械设备等诸多领域;尤其适用于各种工况,如:高温、高压、超低温、强腐蚀、洁净、精确控制等场合。 惠州费希尔阀门能为客户提供成套的流体控制系统、集成设备与专业的技术咨询,及专业的流体控制服务。所有产品均符合国际上严格的标准,为更加便捷的服务于客户,公司办事处设在广东省惠州市,解决客户日常问题。我们拥有专业性强和经验丰富的技术团队,可以为您量身定制流体控制解决方案。我们从产品技术交流、产品选型、直至现场指导安装、调试以及售后服务都精心负责,本着“为客户创造有价值的服务”的宗旨,向客户提供世界上*的流体控制产品的同时,并脚踏实地地完善好每一项服务,真正地做到了为客户提供极有价值的服务。



一、进口水用高压减压阀 产品概述
进口水用高压减压阀,Water high-pressure reducing valve也叫高压调压阀,主要由调节弹簧、膜片、活塞、阀座、阀瓣等零件组成,利用膜片直接传感下游压力驱动阀瓣,控制阀瓣开度完成减压稳压功能的阀门。阀前压力32Mpa,出口减到0.1Mpa,适用于高压或者高压差的水流介质场合,将进口的高压力减到并稳定在需要的压力值。

二、进口水用高压减压阀 技术参数及性能
公称压力(Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0
壳体试验压力(Mpa)* 2.4 3.75 6.0 9.6 15.0 24
密封试验压力(Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0
进口压力(Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0
出口压力范围(Mpa) 0.04-1.0 0.05-1.6 0.08-2.5 0.2-3.5 0.5-3.5 0.5-4.5
最小压差(Mpa) 0.07 0.1 0.15 0.4 0.5 0.8
渗漏量   ANSI560359  

三、进口水用高压减压阀 额定流量系数
DN 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 500
Cv 1 2.5 4 6.5 9 16 25 36 64 100 140 250 400 570 780 1020 1500

四、进口水用高压减压阀 零件材料
零件名称 零件材料
阀体 阀盖 底盖 WCB
阀座 2Cr13
阀瓣 2Cr13
阀杆 2Cr13
缸套 2Cr13/25(镀硬铬)
活塞 2Cr13
O型圈 丁腈橡胶
密封圈 丁腈橡胶
膜片 夹织物丁腈橡胶
调节弹簧 60Si2Mn

五、进口水用高压减压阀 部分业绩

High pressure relief valve for imported water
1. High pressure relief valve for imported water Product Overview
Brand: US Ouke OKE
Water high-pressure reducing valve is also called high-pressure pressure regulating valve. It is mainly composed of adjusting spring, diaphragm, piston, valve seat and valve disc. It uses diaphragm to directly sense downstream pressure-driven valve. The valve that controls the valve opening to complete the decompression and pressure regulation function. The maximum valve front pressure is 32Mpa, and the outlet is reduced to 0.1Mpa. It is suitable for high-pressure or high-pressure water flow media applications, reducing the high pressure of the inlet to the required pressure value.
The US Ou Ke OKE imported water high pressure relief valve is mainly used in coal mine high pressure, urban high-rise buildings, hotels and other hot and cold water supply systems, which can replace the conventional partition water pipes and save equipment. It can also be used in the normal hot and cold water pipe network to reduce the pressure.
Main features:
◆The structure is novel and reasonable, high pressure and pressure reduction
◆Stable and reliable work, large traffic
◆The valve flap opens and closes slowly, and the high pressure difference is no impact on the hammer (the closing time is adjustable)
◆High voltage regulation and high adjustment range
◆Good sealing performance and long service life

2. High-pressure pressure reducing valve for imported water Technical parameters and performance
Nominal pressure (Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0
Shell test pressure (Mpa)* 2.4 3.75 6.0 9.6 15.0 24
Seal test pressure (Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0
Maximum import pressure (Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0
Outlet pressure range (Mpa) 0.04-1.0 0.05-1.6 0.08-2.5 0.2-3.5 0.5-3.5 0.5-4.5
Minimum differential pressure (Mpa) 0.07 0.1 0.15 0.4 0.5 0.8
Leakage ANSI560359

Third, the imported water high pressure relief valve rated flow coefficient
DN 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 500
Cv 1 2.5 4 6.5 9 16 25 36 64 100 140 250 400 570 780

4. High-pressure pressure reducing valve for imported water
Part Name Part Material
Body bonnet bottom cover WCB
Seat 2Cr13
Disc 2Cr13
Stem 2Cr13
Cylinder liner 2Cr13/25 (hard chrome plating)
Piston 2Cr13
O-ring nitrile rubber
Sealing ring
Diaphragm clip fabric nitrile rubber
Adjustment spring 60Si2Mn

V. Imported water high pressure relief valve
Mandarin Oriental, Sanya, Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Boston, Mandarin Oriental, Boston Kempinski, Burj Khalifa, Taipei 101, Shanghai World Financial Center, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Global Commerce Plaza, Shangri-La, Bangkok Hotel, Kempinski Hotel Portoro?, Hyatt Regency Paris Madeleine, Kempinski Hotel Calvinus Budapest
6. Installation instructions for imported high pressure relief valve for water:
1. Before installing the high-pressure gas pressure reducing valve, the pipeline system must be flushed and cleaned to prevent the dirt, such as welding slag and oxide scale, from flowing into the valve, which affects the normal operation of the valve.
2. The high pressure gas pressure reducing valve should be installed in a place convenient for operation and maintenance, and must be installed upright on the horizontal pipeline (see installation diagram). Note that the flow direction of the medium in the pipeline is consistent with the direction indicated by the arrow on the valve body. Do not pretend
3. When installing and using the high-pressure gas pressure reducing valve, first open the shut-off valve on the bypass line to eliminate the condensed water and steam-water mixture in the pipeline to prevent water hammer from being damaged when the pressure-reducing valve is opened. When there is no abnormality, slowly rotate the adjusting screw clockwise to adjust the outlet pressure to the required pressure (according to the valve back pressure). After adjusting, lock the lock nut and screw the protective cover. .
4. A filter should be installed before the pressure reducing valve to prevent impurities in the medium from entering the pressure reducing valve and affecting its performance.
5. There should be a straight pipe before and after the installed pressure reducing valve. The length of the straight pipe before the valve is about 600 mm, and the length of the straight pipe behind the valve is about 1000 mm.
The company's products can be customized according to customer specifications/model/pressureemperature/material




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