




深圳市凯士比阀门有限公司坐落在我国个经济特区、被誉为“香港的后花园”城市-深圳。本公司是一家集设计、研发、销售、技术服务为一体的综合性企业,是全国主要的球阀、蝶阀、闸阀、底阀、安全阀、止回阀、截止阀、单向阀、疏水阀、泄压阀、阻火器、平衡阀、排气阀、呼吸阀、旋塞阀、隔膜阀、针型阀、控制阀、温控阀、柱塞阀、闸板阀、切断阀、排泥阀、管夹阀、水力控制阀等通用阀门供应商之一。本公司兼营代理销售进口阀门、进口水泵, 主要品牌有德国汉克(HANK)、德国凯士比(KSB)、德国艾瑞(ARI)、德国匹思特(PISTER)、法国奥托(OTTO)、波兰安杰诺(ANDREX)、西班牙因特威(INTEVA)、荷兰MV(MAVERICK)、日本北泽(KITZ)、日本耀希达凯(YOSHITAKE)、日本阀天(VENN)、日本NBV(NIPPON)等,在石油、化工、冶金、电力、建筑、热力、 供水等行业具有很高的度及影响力。产品一直供不应求,国内外市场。 公司主要生产的阀门有电磁阀、减压阀、调节阀、电动阀门、气动阀门等,产品按照中国GB、HG、JB,美国API、ANSI,德国DIN和日本JIS等国家标准执行生产。本公司的技术力量雄厚、生产设备精良、检测手段齐全,严格的体系管理、优质可靠的产品、以及不断的产品创新,使公司生产的各种阀门取得了各种证书和显著的业绩。 本公司一直秉承现代化企业*的管理模式,依托*优势,遵循"和谐、务实、创新,追求无止境"的理念,坚持"质量为本,用户至上,竭诚服务"的宗旨,视产品质量和信誉为生命。 " 立足质量、强化管理、崇尚信誉、顾客至上"是公司经营理念;"精益求精、力求"是公司的管理方针;以人为本、团结互信、是企业生存之根本,打 造*的企业文化,增强企业的凝聚力;我们将尽心尽力为广大用户提供优质产品,真诚希望各界朋友蓓临指导,让我们一起共同努力,创造新的辉煌。


Pneumatic double diaphragm pump is a new type of conveying machinery, using compressed air as the power source, for a variety of corrosive liquids, with liquid particles, high viscosity, volatile, flammable, highly toxic liquid, can be pumping Exhausted. Germany Hank (HANK) pneumatic double diaphragm pump is widely used in various industries, product quality acclaimed. The pump does not need to irrigate the water, both pumping the flow of liquid, but also transport some easy flow of the medium, suction high, adjustable head (0-50 m) air pressure only need to be greater than 1kg / cm2 that can work, Absolute fire protection, with a submersible pump, self-priming pump, impurity pump, shielding pump, mud pump all the features and many characteristics of the conveyor machinery.
Working principle
Pneumatic double diaphragm pump with compressed air, nitrogen or natural gas as a power. The main directional (pneumatic) control valve distributes the compressed air to the gas chamber and applies a uniform pressure to the inner surface of the diaphragm. While the discharged gas is discharged from the rear side of the pump through the valve assembly guide port. Pneumatic double diaphragm pump chamber gas pressure exceeds the liquid chamber pressure, diaphragm link back and forth movement, in one side of the discharge, in the other side of the suction. The direction of the discharge and suction of the liquid is controlled by the direction of the check valve (ball valve or sheet valve). The suction stroke causes the pump to perform inhalation. The suction stroke reduces the chamber pressure and increases the chamber volume. Thereby generating atmospheric pressure differential pressure, to promote the liquid through the suction pipe, through the suction side of the check valve, into the external liquid chamber. The suction side travel also initiates the reciprocating (displacement, stroke or cycle) movement of the pump. Pneumatic double diaphragm pump Moves the suction diaphragm through the stroke Mechanical movement The diaphragm of the double diaphragm pump comes into contact with the aligned drive plunger and moves the pilot spool. When the pilot valve is activated, it will send a pressure signal to the other end of the main directional valve. The pneumatic double diaphragm pump will reverse the direction of the compressed air to the other side of the internal chamber so that the continuous conveyance of the medium is completed.
1, pneumatic diaphragm pump does not produce spark: Pneumatic diaphragm pump without power for power, ground and then prevent the static spark.
2, not overheating: compressed air for power, in the exhaust is a process of expansion and endothermic, pneumatic pump work is the temperature is reduced, no harmful gas discharge
3, can be through the liquid containing particles: because the volume of work and import for the ball valve, it is not easy to be blocked.
4, the material shear force is very low: how the work is sucked into how to spit out, so the smallest material agitation, for the transport of unstable substances.
5, the flow can be adjusted, you can install the throttle at the material exit to adjust the flow.
6, pneumatic diaphragm pump with self-priming function.
7, you can run empty, and not dangerous.
8, can dive work.

9, pneumatic diaphragm pump can transport the fluid is very wide, from low viscosity to high viscosity, from the corrosive get sticky.




德国汉克(HANK)成立于1852年创建于门兴格拉德巴赫(Monchengladbach)是位于德国北莱茵-威斯特州杜塞尔多夫市以西的一座城市。于19世纪50年代初德国经济快速发展,由于德国能源短缺,政府在节能方面加大力度,因此HANK(Trouble Less pump的水泵)公司成立。汉克水泵是以生产高品质、*的水泵、测量及控制系统而的跨国性生产企业,在几十个国家拥有子公司及分支机构,公司产品涉及用途:石油、化工、电力、冶金、制药、食品、水处理、市政给排水、天然气、造纸、电子工业、楼宇、机械设备配套等领域。

GERMANY HANK PUMP LIMITED is founded on 1852 in Monchengladbach,which is located at one city in North Rhine in Germany, which is the west of Nordrhein-Westfalen. At the beginning of 1850s, as the rapid development of economic and the shortages of energy in Germany , the government had been in saving energy aspect. On this occasion, HANK Pump (Trouble Less Pump) was established.Hank pump is the world-famous transnational production enterprise,which produces high quality and advanced pump, measurement and control system, and which has its divisions and branches in dozens of countries in the global. The company products user involves the petroleum, the chemical industry, the electric power, the metallurgy, the drugs manufacture, food, the water treatment, the municipal administration to give draining water, the natural gas, the papermaking, the electronics industry, the building, the mechanical device necessary ect..




The conclusion of the pump concept in German Hank pump is resposibility,foresight,innovation. For ourselves resposibility, foresight and focusing on creating unprecendented solution and concept,our company has become the lead of pump manufacturer in the global.





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