瑞士万通712 型电导仪


瑞士万通712 型电导仪



成立于2000年,公司总部设在上海,是家主要经销代理进口实验室分析仪器 、实验室仪器配件及耗材的专业公司。产品遍及医药生物化工环保食品涂料轻工等众多域,主要产品有:容量法卡尔费休水份测定仪,库仑法卡尔费休水份测定仪,伏安谱仪,Metrohm参比电,HACH水质参数分析仪,brookfield粘度计,实验室流变仪,控制型萃取仪,德国IKA震荡器,IKA旋转蒸发仪,德国赛多利斯天平,Cubis精密电子天平,体式电位滴定仪,万通离子在线分析仪,VTE粘度计,双铂丝指示电,复合pH玻璃电,无隔膜库仑试剂,干燥管固定夹,磨口套圈,BUCHI平行蒸发仪,全自动凯氏定氮仪,滴定杯干燥管,数显型往复震荡摇床,控制型萃取仪等


瑞士万通712 型电导仪的详细资料:

Conductivity measurement has top priority when the quality of water samples needs to be checked. Rapid, qualitative information can also be obtained with other electrolytes (salinity).
A wide range of uses
Conductivity measurements in the range 0.001 µSiemens/cm to 20 Siemens/cm with automatic range switching
Two lines of 16 alphanumeric characters each are available for the sample identification
A typical GLP component: The last calibration of the measuring cell and the last determination of the temperature coefficient can be verified
Designation and serial number of the instrument as well as date and time appear on the printout
Measurement ranges specially designed for conductivity titrations with compensation
Temperature measurement from -170 °C to 500 °C
TDS measurements (Total Dissolved Solids (salinity) 0.5 mg/L ... 300 g/L NaCl)
With "Frequency auto", the 712 Conductometer automatically selects the measurement frequency best suited to the sample (300 Hz or 2.4 kHz)
"Auto zero" sets the current conductivity to zero. Changes can thus be followed with a higher resolution
The freely selectable reference temperature allows matching to the measurement instructions of many different standards
The switching, alarm or limit outputs, which can be used in all measurement modes as a minimum/maximum make or break contact with hysteresis adjustment, are popular additional functions for open- and closed-loop control tasks. You thus save, among other things, an expensive controller.
Meets the requirements of USP, GLP, ISO 9000

The innovative Conductometer for the measurement of conductivity, temperature and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), as well as for the indication of conductometric titrations.

Measuring range
Conductivity 0.001 microsiemens/cm to
20 siemens/cm
Temperature (Pt100/Pt1000) - 170 ... + 500 °C
TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) 0.5 mg/L ... 300 g/L NaCl

Automatic determination of the cell constant and the temperature coefficient of the sample
Automatic temperature compensation for conductivity measurements
High Resolution in conductivity and temperature measurements, due to built in compensation and «Auto Zero» function
Current output for platinisation of conductivity measuring cells (Iplat = 20 mA)
Manual or automatic selection of measuring frequency
Analogue output with programmable range
Bi-directional RS 232C interface for PC or printer (results and reports)
Real-time plot function of conductivity and temperature versus time on printer
I/O lines for limit values (min/max) and sample changer





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