德国Zimmer-automation液位控制器  双液位控制器  德国进口液位控制器


德国Zimmer-automation液位控制器 双液位控制器 德国进口液位控制器



凌圣机电科技(上海-东莞-成都-天津),成立于2005年,专注为中国制造业提供德国、日本及欧盟传动类工业品配件、技术支持和解决方案,拥有近15年的工业品技术服务经验。目前已获得德国ELBE联轴器、德国Wippermann链条、德国Murtfeldt链条导轨、森科嘉SENQCIA链条、日精Nissei GTR减速机、SPG减速电机、德国ETP联轴器等品牌代理证书。公司在德国设立分公司,拥有与德国原厂技术对接、商务淡判、大宗交易。可直接为国内制造企业输入*与服务。




Level Controllers Level Controllers in general
Conduktive measurement (assumes substrate will carry electric charge;i.e. non-resistive / inert substrates)
Variable sensitivity ranging
Probes are operated with alternate current signal
System supply and measurement cirquits are galvanically separated
Safety cirquit: filling or emptying operation is cut-off in case of power failure or transformator damage

Level Controller S-NR 01 / S-RN 01
Sensing for 1 or 2 levels
? Test-button for the functional test of the
measure and alarm cirquit
? LED indicators for relay state and  operation
? Probes are operated with alternate current
signal (even with 24V DC supply)

Level Controller NR 98 / RN 98
Sensing for 1 or 2 levels
? LED indicators for relay state and  operation

Dual Level Controller D-NR 98 / D-RN 98
Sensing for 2, 3 or 4 levels
? Any 2 functions can be combined as to
customer needs
? LED indicators for relay state and  operation

Dual Level Controller D-NR / RN 98
Sensing for 2, 3 or 4 levels
? Any 2 functions can be combined as to
customer needs
? LED indicators for relay state and  operation

Level Guard ULW
Sensing for 1 level
? Basic function: issue an alarm notificatione.g. for leakages or overfilling
? LED indicators for: Alarm - Ready - Stop
? Probe cable supervision:in the case of damage or interruption in the probe cable, the "Stop" state will be entered.

Level Controller NR / RN 01
Sensing for 1 or 2 levels
? The NR / RN mode can be selected by jumpers
? LED indicators for relay state and  operation

Level Controller NR / RN 02
Sensing for 1 or 2 levels
? 2 separate change over output contacts
? The NR / RN mode can be selected by jumpers
? 3 coarse levels of sensitivity can be selected by jumpers
? LED indicators for relay state and  operation

Level Controller NA-EV
Sensing for 1 level
? Suitable to keep a constant level:e.g. in swimming pools and ponds
? delay timer
? probe cable supervision
? Probes are operated with alternate current signal
? LED indicators for the operation state:ON - FILLING - STOP
? Test-button for the functional test of the measure and alarm cirquit

Level Controller NR 98LS, RN 98LS
Sensing for 1 or 2 levels
? Open frame for mounting in fuse / controll box
? LED indicators for relay state and  operation




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