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Metrolab Magvector™ MV2 Digital 3-axis Hall Magnetic Sensor AKM Hall Element Magnetic Sensors AKM Hall Magnetic Switch ICs AKM Linear Hall Magnetic ICs
The MagVector™ MV2 is the ideal solution if you need to integrate a sophisticated magnetometer into your electronic system. AKM (Asahi Kasei) Hall Elements generate an output analog signal proportional to the intensity of the magnetic field. AKM (Asahi Kasei) Hall Switch ICs detects a magnetic field and outputs a digital signal. AKM (Asahi Kasei) Linear Hall Effect ICs generate an amplified analog signal proportional to the intensity of the magnetic field.
•Axis: 3-axis (Bx, By, Bz)
•Selectable measurement ranges: from 100 mT to 30 T
•Low noise: 300 nT/√Hz
•Analog and digital interfaces
•Selectable measurement rate: up to 3 kHz
•Axis: 1-axis
•HG Series, Excellent thermal characteristic. High linear output. Best suited to current sensors.
•HQ Series, High sensitivity and low current consump­tion are achieved simulta­neously.
•Unipolar Switch, On/off is switched depending on the intensity of the magnetic field of the S-pole of the magnet. This type is primarily used for position detection of a magnet.
•Omnipolar Switch, On/Off is switched depending on the intensity of the magnetic field.
•Axis: 1-axis (perpendicular to IC)
•Sensitivity: ± 130mV/mT, ± 65mV/mT, ± 40mV/mT or ± 20mV/mT
•Bandwidth: DC to 100kHz
•Can be used in Open-loop Gapped Core Current Sensors





Sentron CSA-1VG-SO Linear Hall Magnetic IC Sentron 2SA-10G 2-axis Linear Hall Magnetic IC Ametes MFS-3A 3-axis Magnetic Field Sensor AKM Currentier CQ / CZ Isolated Current Sensors
Sentron CSA-1VG-SO Hall effect IC is  linear single-axis, analog, high sensitivity, small size and low power. CMOS, SOIC-8 package. Sentron 2SA-10G 2-Axis Hall Sensor. Linear 2-Axis, high sensitivity, small size and low power. CMOS, SOIC-8 package. Generates amplified analog signals proportional to the intensity of the magnetic fields in the X and Y axis. Ametes Three-Axis Magnetic Field Sensor. Three Hall sensor ICs with sensitive axes mutually perpendicular. Three analog output signals for Bx, By, and Bz. PCB Mount, Analog Signal Output, Open-Loop Current Sensors with Voltage Isolation to 3kV.
•Axis: 1-axis (parallel to IC)
•Range: ± 7.5mT
•Resolution: ± 15µT
•Bandwidth: DC to 100kHz
•Can be used for “Over-the-trace” current sensing
•Axis: 2-axis (Bx, By; parallel to IC)
•Range: ± 50mT
•Resolution: ± 15µT
•Bandwidth: DC to 10kHz
•Axis: 3-axis (Bx, By, Bz)
•Range: ± 3mT
•Resolution: ± 20µT
•Bandwidth: DC to 100kHz
AKM Current Sensors utilize an array of extremely low noise Hall elements, rather than integrated Silicon Hall elements, to sense the magnetic field from the primary current with lower noise and much improved signal/noise performance.





Senis CS-03 High Sensitivity Isolated Current Sensor Senis BBM-01 Bus Bar Module Isolated Current Sensor AKM EM-3242 Non-contact Magnetic Angle Sensor AKM AK877x Magnetic Encoder ICs
Senis CS-03 Low Current Sensor is a next-generation analog current sensor for bipolar current sensing. Senis BBM Bus Bar Module Current Sensor uses two Hall-effect magnetic sensor ICs, mounting one on each side of the Current Bus Bar. High level ±4V linear signal output. AKM (Asahi Kesai) EM-3242 Non-contact, Absolute Angle Sensor IC Integrates a Hall element and processing IC into a single package. AKM (Asahi Kesai) AK-877x Magnetic provides digital outputs corresponding to the direction and number of poles from a rotating magnet.
•Ranges: ±0.1A, ±0.2A, ±2A and ±8A
•Accuracy:<2% of FS
•Linearity: 0.5% (typical)
•Bandwidth: DC to 5kHz
•Ranges: ±200A to ±3000A
•Resolution: appox. 0.05% of FS
•Bandwidth: DC to AC, depends on BBM geometry.
•Resolution: up to 10 bits (0.36°)
•Non-linearity: 1%
•Package: 6-SOP
•Sensitivity: ±1.5mT to ±2mT
•Frequency Response: to 8kHz
•Outputs: Two Quadrature 90° Phased Outputs or Pulse Count and Direction of Rotation


Ametes 360ASM-01 Absolute Angle Magnetic Sensor Module      
Ametes 360ASM-01 Non-contact, Absolute Angle Sensor Module. Uses 2SA-10G and PSoC. Analog and PWM output signal, small 1/2” dia. encapsulated package.      
•Range: 0±180°
•Resolution: 9 bits (0.75° )
•Response Time: 7ms





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