AP(QXBL)型潜水离心曝气机 AP(QXBL) Centrifugal Submerged Aerator 用 途 Applications AP(QXBL)型离心式潜水曝气机用于污水处理厂曝气池、曝气沉砂池中,对污水的混合液进行充氧及混合,以及对污水进行生化处理或养殖塘增氧。进气量为 10-320m3/h,增氧能力为 0.37-24kgO2/h,电机功 率 0.75-22kw。
The type AP( QXBL) centrifugal submerged aerator is used for the aerating ditch and sand removed ditch in the wastewater treatment plant, and oxygenating and mixing liquid, andhad biochemical treatment or aerated the oxidation ditch. The amount of entering air is 10-320m3/h, the ability of oxygenation is 0.37-24kgO2/h, the power of motor is 0.75-
型号表示方法 Model AP(QXBL) -
┃ ┃
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┗━━ 电机功率 POWER (KW)
特 点 Features 1. 结构紧凑、占地面积小、安装方便;
2. 除吸气口外,其余部分潜入水中运行,噪音小;
3. 吸入空气多,产生气泡多而细,容氧率高;
4. 无需提供气源,省去鼓风机,工程投资少;
5. 结构采用新的技术设计,整机重量轻,运行安全可靠。
1. Well-knit structure, less land occupation, convenient installation;
2. The other parts operated below the water except the inlet, the yawp was small;
3. The air inbreathed was much, produced the bubble much and close, and the rate of oxygenwas high;
4. Provided the air without headstream, left out the blower, and the cost of projece
was low;
5. Instruction was designed by the new technology method with light and portable, and operated safe and reliably.
构造及工作过程 Structure and working process 潜水曝气机由潜水射流泵、混合室、底座、进气管和消音器等组成。 进气管上端为空气吸入位于水面之上,下端与混合室联通,接通电源后由于叶轮旋转,水流从叶轮的出口流出经混合室使之形成负压,因而空气被吸入并与液体混合,混合液从周边流出,完成对液体的充氧。
The submerged aerator is composed of submerged pump, mixing room, the seat, inlet pipe, muffle and so on.
The top of inlet pipe was above the surface of water, the underside was connected with mixing room, because the impeller had circumgyrated after the power supply was turn on, the high-speed water poured through the mixing room, and formed the negative pressure, the air was inhaled into and mixed with liquid. The mixed liquid poured from the side, and achieved the oxygenation to liquid.
主要性能参数 Main Performance Parameters 潜水离心曝气机可在下列条件下正常连续运行:
1. 介质温度不超过40℃
2. 介质的PH 值在 5~9
3. 介质密度不超过 1150kg/m3
The submerged aerator functions continuous at the following conditions:
1. The temperature not exceeding 40℃
2. The PH value 5~9 in the medium
3. medium density not exceeding 1150kg/m3
电气控制 Electrical control 按手动配置控制箱,接入曝气机热保和漏保控制线,可带 PLC 接口,亦可按用户要求配置。
D-QXB-I 控制箱适用于电源为三相 380V、频率 50Hz,控制潜水曝气机的起停,可以通过 PLC 接口潜水曝气机运行的自动控制系统。并具有过载、短路、缺相、泄露、过热等保护功能。
Configure the manual controller, could have the PLC interface, could configure according to customer’s demands.
外形尺寸 Diensions
工作实例 Working Example