英国凯恩Autoplus5-2 汽车尾气分析仪
KANE 推出的内置电池驱动的手持式汽车尾气监测仪,为与汽车尾气监测有关的各领域工作的人员提供了简便、高效和的检测手段。
由于现有仪器体积大、重量沉、需要外接交流电源, 很难做到路上抽查检测,只能设立固定检测点,缺乏随机和即时性。由于KANE仪器的特点,检测人员可以随车对路上行驶车辆进行抽检,不受天气等客观条件的影响。检测人员的劳动强度也可得到改善。
尾气净化装置的检测必须在工况状态下进行,但现在的工况测试需要进行台架试验,试验设备价格少则五、六十万,多则几百、上千万,做一次尾气净化装置的检测花费也很大。很多生产、研究单位没有能力经常性对产品进行测试。由于KANE 手持式仪器的轻便特点,可用于汽车实际道路行驶状况的检测,简单方便地反映出汽车在不同负荷、不同道路中的尾气基本排放情况。而花费只是几万元仪器的一次性投资。
测量 | 范围 | 分辨率 | 精度 |
CO | 5% , 过量程20% | 0.01% | 读数的+5%, |
HC | 0 ~ 2,000ppm, 过量程10,000ppm | 1ppm | 读数的+5%, |
O2 | 0 ~ 21%, 过量程0 ~25% | 0.01% | 读数的+5%, |
NO | 0 ~ 5,000ppm | 1ppm | 读数的+5% |
CO2 | 0 ~16%,过量程0 ~20% | 0.01% | 读数的+5%, |
机油温度 | 0 ~150℃ | 1.0℃ | +2℃ |
发动机转速 | 200 ~ 4,000rpm | 1rpm | 50rpm |
计算 | LAMBDA 空/燃 … …等多种参数 | ||
打印 | KMIRP红外遥控打印机 | ||
通讯 | RS232 | ||
分析软件 | PC 图形分析 |
钳夹式探头可固定在排气管上, 便于行驶中的工况排放检测
体积 220 x 55 x 120mm, 重量1kg
Kane AUTOplus 5-2 Exhaust Gas Analyser measures five gases Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrocarbons, Oxygen, NOx and Lambda. Portable and lightweight the handset can be held with one hand and improved battery life provides four hours of operation. Designed for emission diagnostics, tuning, pre-compliance testing and servicing. Suitable for use on Petrol/Gasoline, LPG, CNG and Diesel vehicles. Warm time is less than two minutes.
Supplied with multilingual software. The unit has a Monochrome QVGA Display, all parameters can be viewed simultaneously in real time detailed on separate lines. Data logging is included, up to 500 test can be stored. The mini USB port can be used for data transfer, Bluetooth connectivity facilitates wireless transmission to a PC or device using Kane Live Software or the Kane Wireless Printer App. Readings can be sent by infra red to IRP-2 printer (optional extra). Pump speed can be adjusted to preserve battery life.
CO 0-10%
CO2 0-16%
HC 0-5000ppm
O2 0-21%
NOX 0-5000ppm
Lambda 0.8-1.2
Size 22 x 5.5 x 12 cm. Probe length 350mm x Diameter 15mm, 4m long hose
Kane Live software allows readings to be shown graphically and in real time, helping identify emission related faults. The user can devise their own graphs, download and save data and even toggle pump on and off.
Kit supplied with Auto Plus 5-2 Analyser, complete with water trap, protective rubber boot, high temperature exhaust Probe, AC and 12V chargers, spare filters, manual, carry case & IR communication (compatible printer extra),Bluetooth connectivity and Kane May calibration report.
Consumables available: Filters PF400/5 pack of five
Replaces model Auto 5-2