脉冲气流干燥机Pulse Pneumatic Drier


脉冲气流干燥机Pulse Pneumatic Drier



高效沸腾干燥机High Efficiency Boiling Drier


闪蒸搅拌分散干燥机Flash Stirring Dispersion Drier旋转闪蒸干燥机


回转滾筒干燥机组Rotary Drum Drying Unit回转滚筒干燥机


圆盘翻刮式干燥机Repeatedly scraping tray drier 盘式干燥机


带式烘干机组 Belt Type Drier Unit 带式干燥机

四川川大干燥科技工程有限责任公司(简称:川大干燥)是于2001年成立的一家集技术研发、技术转让、装备制造加工的企业。川大干燥行政管理与设计研发部门设在四川大学科技创新中心大楼内;生产和试验科研基地位于成都羊安镇工业园区内,并独自建设有加工制造中心与产品测试展演中心。公司从建立之初即着力科技研发,重心即着力医药、食品等方面的工艺技术研究与*装备的研制上。公司具有门类学科齐全的专业研发队伍,所研发的产品品质优良、性能可靠、外形美观;经过近三十年的产业技术研究、产品技术研制、产出技术研验,已具有独立*自主知识产权的工艺及配方生产技术三项;固体制剂系列装备已研制有十二类近两百种不同规格。而今川大干燥严格按照新版GMP精心研制的制药与食品装备无论是在技术性能上,还是在性价比上都处于同行前列。现“川大干燥”的产品与服务无论在中国还是在世界各国的制药、食品、保健品、动物药业等行业以及其它行业均享有盛誉,已经形成特色与影响力的品牌。川大干燥除了在制药与食品等行业提供良好技术服务与优良产品以外,川大干燥还拥有包括工业粉尘净化回收技术与系统工程装备研制技术、大气净化环保工程装备与家用PM2.5净化器等系列产品技术。川大干燥向提供的优良装备产品有:各种烘干设备、各种造粒设备、各种混料设备、各种粉碎设备、各种筛分设备、各种灭菌设备、各种浓缩提取设备、各种环保设备等等。川大干燥向提供*的具有*自主知识产权的工艺及装备总包的项目有:l 鸡精调味料工艺技术、工艺配方生产技术,鸡精调味料全套生产线。l 高品位高纯度三偏磷酸钠工艺生产技术以及生产线(川大干燥起草的三偏磷酸钠国家标准已于2015年3月正式公布实施)。l 鲜榨提取制取方便型老姜汤冲剂工艺技术以及全套生产线等等。



一、工作原理及应用范围介绍 Introduction of Working Principle and Scope of Application


l  医药食品:、苯茶吡唑酮、茶粕、草酸催化剂、沉淀炭粉、对乙酰氮基苯磺酰氨、、哆耳玛托、、焦硅酸钠、糠氯酸咖啡渣四环素、玉米蛋白。

l  化工行业:ABC中间体、ABS树脂、ASC、白炭黑、促进剂mdm、触媒、对苯二酸、二乙苯铵、、活性碳、氟硅酸钠、氟石矿、硅胶粉末、合成树脂、磷酸钙、聚丙烯树脂三氧化铁碳酸钙、氧化铁、石膏缓凝剂、木粉、木屑、米糠。

    Pulse pneumatic drying is also called instant drying, which forms pulse-type movement by using high-speed hot air flow to drive the material to make instant deceleration movement after instant acceleration movement. Its purpose is to intensify the heat and mass transfer so as to achieve efficient, fast and instant dehydration. It may not cause overheat or decomposition to the materials with heat sensitivity or low melting point. It is a continuous, efficient and fast drying method of fluidizing instant dehydration for solids and applicable to fast removing surface water from 5μm~5mm powdery and granular materials. This method may not deteriorate the materials dried and is applicable to drying and dehydrating powdery and granular materials in such industries as pharmaceuticals, chemical engineering, food, building materials and plastics, as follows:

l  Pharmaceuticals and food: methaqualone, benzene tea pyrazolone, tea seed cake, Oxalic acid catalyst, precipitated carbon powder, p- acetnitrilobenzene sulfonyl ammonia, p-aminosalicylic acid, Duoermatuo, aureomycin, coke sodium silicate, chaff chlorate coffee grounds tetracycline and corn protein.

l  Chemical engineering industry: ABC intermediate, ABS resin, ASC, white carbon black, accelerant mdm, contact agent, terephthalic acid, diethylaniline, titanium dioxide, active carbon, sodium fluosilicate, fluorspar, silica gel powder, synthetic resin, calcium phosphate, polypropylene, ferric oxide, calcium carbonate, iron oxide, calcium sulphate retarder, wood  powder, sawdust and rice bran.


1. 颗粒在气流中高速度分散呈悬浮状态,气固两项间传热传质的有效性增大。同时由于采用脉冲管道,使得气固两项间的相对速度相差比较大,体积传热系数也较高,整体热效率在流化干燥机中是较高的。

2. 脉冲气流干燥设备结构简单、紧凑、体积小,整套机组造价相对较低。

3. 干燥时间极短(只有0.5—2秒),适用于热敏性物料。

4. 气流干燥物料全过程都在管道中完成,产品不与外界接触,污染小、质量好,操作方便自动化程度高、产品品相好。

1.Particles disperse at high speed in the air flow and is in the suspending state, with the efficiency of heat and mass transfer between gas and solid phases increasing. At the same time, the pulse tube adopted increases the difference between the relative velocities of gas and solid phases and increases the volumetric heat transfer coefficient. So the overall heat efficiency is the highest among the fluidized driers.

2.The pulse pneumatic drier is a simple and compact structure with small volume. The whole set of unit costs little relatively.

3.The drying time is very short (only 0.5-2 seconds). So the equipment is applicable to heat sensitive materials.

4.Pneumatic drying of materials is fully completed in the tube. The products don’t contact with the outside, so there is little pollution and the products are of good quality and good appearance. The equipment is convenient to operate and  has high degree of automation.

三、工艺流程图Process flow diagram



Technical parameters (the values in the table below are for reference in type selection only)





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