




深圳市勤联科技有限公司 santek company ltd ,致力于引进国外测量技术,基于进口感测器与仪器仪表,测量技术、应力应变测试技术,无线网路技术及工控,岩土领域,集研究、开发、销售、培训、系统集成、技术支援、售后服务为一体的高科技产业公司。随着国内制造业整体升级,人力成本提升,需要大量高精度,自动化,高可靠性的感测器及测试测量设备,我们有着更大的发展机遇并给客户提供更加专业化服务。        我们的产品目前广泛运用于高校研究院,工业设备,电子业,太阳能设备,半导体业,汽车电子,航天航空,铁路与公路测量,桥樑与高层建筑监测等等。  主要品牌: 总代理:MTI,AEC,SAK,SONIC,KYOWA,RUFF,MIDORI,HONTKO 一级代理:SHOWA, NDK,KAIJO,CITIZEN,Microstrain 非接触测量(激光/光纤/电容/电涡流位移传感器,位移、振动、厚度、距离、尺寸测量),光谱共焦位移传感器(可测多层透明薄膜),二维/三维激光扫描仪、多普勒激光振动计 应变片、应力测试仪、称重传感器、放大器、加速度计、扭力计、压力传感器 原位拉伸台(微型拉伸试验台,可配合扫描电镜/显微镜使用) 无损检测仪、风速计、流量计、地震警报器、工业内窥镜 电位器、编码器、陀螺仪、记录仪、数据采分析仪、无线发射接收 地震警报器、土木方面用传感器及其他 土木工程检测:大厦、大坝、桥梁、铁路监测系统 PCB板应力测试:ICT、分板、螺丝锁紧、疲劳试验、跌落试验、热应变片





AccumeasureTM Capacitance Probes for AccumeasureTM D series



MTI Instruments Flat Capacitance Probes for Grounded Targets

MTI’s flat capacitance probe series. The thin probes may be used as is or bonded to a flat plate with mounting holes. Applications include single ended and double sided gap measurement such as commutator gaps, automotive and aviation assemblies.



Optionally, probes can be ordered bonded to a flat steel plate with 4X countersunk screw holes for conventional fastener attachment.


General Specifications for Flat Probes



Push Pull Flat Probes for Ungrounded Targets


Standard capacitive sensors require the target to be electrically grounded. Current flows from the probe face to the target and back to the amplifier to complete the circuit. The capacitance between probe and target is proportional to the distance and converted to a 0 - 10V output from the amplifier. The measurement of electrically grounded targets can be, however, affected by changes in the electrical conductivity or ground path of the target.
To eliminate the effects of these variations, MTI developed a unique version of the Accumeasure sensor called the push-pull. In this design each probe consists of two capacitance sensors, built into one probe body. Each sensor is driven at the same voltage; however, there is a 180 degree phase shift between signals. This shift allows the current path to travel across the target surface rather than through the target to ground, eliminating any inaccuracies created by poorly grounded targets.
General Specifications for Flat Push Pull Probes
Probe Recommended Stand-off Ranges
Optional Accessories
Flat probes can be bonded back to back and inserted into a handle (8000-6443) or used stand-alone to make thin gap probes. Additionally, a shim may be bonded between the probes for added stiffness.
Contact MTI sales with your requirements for measuring roller or die slots.
MTI has custom capability to design and manufacture a variety of probes to suit unique applications. This flat probe design capability allows for relatively inexpensive probes when produced in quantity.
MTI’s back-to-back push-pull probes can work as gap probes on ungrounded targets. These probes require a four channel amplifier such as the Digital Accumeasure D400 to operate.
Unmounted Probe Bonding Instructions
The probes can also be bonded back to back on a thin SS tab for insertion into slots or gaps.




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