上海 材料试验机 电子试验机 拉力试验机 保温砂浆拉伸试验机 WDW-50 荣计达抗折抗压试验机
上海 材料试验机 电子试验机 拉力试验机 保温砂浆拉伸试验机 WDW-50 荣计达抗折抗压试验机
上海 材料试验机 电子试验机 拉力试验机 保温砂浆拉伸试验机 WDW-50 荣计达抗折抗压试验机
上海 材料试验机 电子试验机 拉力试验机 保温砂浆拉伸试验机 WDW-50 荣计达抗折抗压试验机
上海 材料试验机 电子试验机 拉力试验机 保温砂浆拉伸试验机 WDW-50 荣计达抗折抗压试验机


上海 材料试验机 电子试验机 拉力试验机 保温砂浆拉伸试验机 WDW-50 荣计达抗折抗压试验机



上海荣计达仪器科技有限公司注册地址位于上海市奉贤区肖塘路255弄10号2层,注册机关为奉贤区市场监督管理局,法人代表为王秀锋,经营范围包括从事仪器科技领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务、技术转让,仪器仪表制造、加工(以上限分支机构经营),仪器仪表、实验室设备、五金交电、机电设备、机械设备、模具的批发、零售,机械设备(除特种设备)、实验室设备、机电设备的安装、维修。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】



适用于拉伸、压缩等多项物理力学性能试验,选配其他试验夹具也可对金属、非金属、复合材料及制品的拉伸、压缩、弯曲、剪切、剥离、撕裂等多项物理力学性能试验。试验机配置品牌电脑、中文WINDOWS XP 用户界面、菜单提示、鼠标选择操作,数据和曲线随试验过程动态显示。简单方便。是建材企业,大专院校、科研院所、质检所、建工建材质检站等单位的检测中心的检测设备。

I. Overview

It is suitable for many physical and mechanical performance tests such as stretching and compression. Other test fixtures can also be used for stretching, compression, bending, shearing, peeling, tearing and other physical properties of metals, non-metals, composite materials and products. Mechanical performance test. The test machine is equipped with a brand computer, Chinese WINDOWS XP user interface, menu prompts, mouse selection operation, and data and curves are dynamically displayed with the test process. easy and convenient. It is a necessary special testing equipment for building materials enterprises, colleges, scientific research institutes, quality inspection bureaus of quality inspection bureaus, construction engineering construction material inspection stations and other units.


★配品牌电脑、中文WINDOWS XP 用户界面、菜单提示、鼠标选择操作,简单方便。





力-变形、应力-应变、强度-时间、力-时间、变形-时间、应变-时间 抗弯:力-挠度、强度-时间、力-时间、挠度-时间。















2. Features

★ Equipped with brand computers, Chinese WINDOWS XP user interface, menu prompts, mouse selection operation, simple and convenient.

★ Display mode: data and curves are dynamically displayed with the test process

★ Control process: the test process and the functions of measurement, display, analysis, printing, etc. are all completed by the microcomputer

★ Curve method:

Stretching: force-elongation, stress-strain, strength-time; force-time, elongation-time, strain-time. compression:

Force-deformation, stress-strain, strength-time, force-time, deformation-time, strain-time Bending: force-deflection, strength-time, force-time, deflection-time.

★ Data analysis: The test data on the graph can be selected and analyzed at will.

★ Report selection: different report formats can be selected according to user needs, and EXCEL or Word can be used. View the report directly or take part to print

Automatic storage: Test conditions, test results, test curves and data can be automatically stored and recalled at any time.

2. Features

★ Equipped with brand computers, Chinese WINDOWS XP user interface, menu prompts, mouse selection operation, simple and convenient.

★ Display mode: data and curves are dynamically displayed with the test process

★ Control process: the test process and the functions of measurement, display, analysis, printing, etc. are all completed by the microcomputer

★ Curve method:

Stretching: force-elongation, stress-strain, strength-time; force-time, elongation-time, strain-time. compression:

Force-deformation, stress-strain, strength-time, force-time, deformation-time, strain-time Bending: force-deflection, strength-time, force-time, deflection-time.

★ Data analysis: The test data on the graph can be selected and analyzed at will.

★ Report selection: different report formats can be selected according to user needs, and EXCEL or Word can be used. View the report directly or take part to print

Automatic storage: Test conditions, test results, test curves and data can be automatically stored and recalled at any time.


★大拉力:5-50KN 大压力:50KN


★负荷精度:±1% 分辨率1/20000码

★速度精度: ±0.5%






★电源:AC220V 50Hz



3. Technical parameters

★ High tension: 5-50KN Large pressure: 50KN

★ High precision sensor accuracy: ± 0.5%

★ Load accuracy: ± 1% resolution 1/20000 yards

★ Speed accuracy: ± 0.5%

★ Speed range: 1-250mm / min

★ Displacement measurement accuracy 0.1mm

★ Large deformation measurement range: marking line -1000mm (optional)

★ Effective travel of moving beam: 1000mm

★ Displacement accuracy: relative error of indication value ± 0.5%

★ Power supply: AC220V 50Hz

★ Overall dimensions 960 * 780 * 2300mm (length * width * height)

★ Net weight: 750kG




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