经销商北京英格海德分析技术有限公司是世界分析仪器制造商在中国的代理。多年来,我们在客户中建立了良好的声誉。我们的客户多数都是工作在新技术研究的前沿,如催化化学、氢能研究、等离子体物理、表面科学、大气环境监测、半导体材料和微纳米测量领域。我们与他们保持着密切的、积极的关系。 我们在为客户提供世界仪器设备的同时,还为他们提供了及时周到的售后服务,让用户无后顾之忧,使其专心科研。
2017年7月份,Hiden Isochema 宣布推出用于气体渗透膜的专用膜测试反应器-MBR。
Hiden Isochema’s MBR is a fully automated system, supplied with an
integrated close-coupled mass spectrometer. In co-current flow mode, a gas
mixture is applied upstream of the membrane at a controlled pressure and
composition, while a dedicated helium flow flushes the downstream side. The
gas composition is then analyzed to assess the separation performance of the
membrane material. Alternatively, in cross flow mode, the MBR is operated
without downstream sweep gas and the performance of the membrane is
determined by comparing the downstream and upstream gas compositions.
Design features include fully programmable operation, pneumatically actuated shutoff and
switching valves with minimised dead volume, a high performance pressure controller and a precision engineered membrane cell with unique integral support structure.
•操作压力可到10 bar
•温度范围宽 120°C and 300°C
•操作压力可到10 bar
•温度范围宽 120°C and 300°C
北京:郑经理 135
上海:赵经理 185