ZYT-1型自动永停滴定仪 永停滴定法是容量分析中确定终点的一种方法。自动永停滴定仪是根据中国药典77版所载的永停滴定法的要求而试制成功的一种新型仪器,并收载2000版药典,用作于重氮化测定终点指示,它与外指示剂和观察费体试液变化结果等比较,具有精度高、测定准确、使用方便、小巧轻便、性能稳定等优点。它是化学实验室、药品检验所、各大医院、制药厂、兽药厂、饲料厂等进行医药化工等工业溶量分析的一的测定仪器。 |
ZYT-1型自动永停滴定仪 Ascertaining end-point titrimetry is a method to ascertain the end-pointin volumetric analysis, the automatic ascertaining end-point titratoris a new instrument manufac-tured according to the requirement of Titrimetry recorded Chinese Codex(Edition:77)which can be used to measure dia-zonium end-point indication. It has the advantages suchas high precision , exact measurement, convenient usage, stable performance compared with the methodsof using external indicator and watching Fischer liquid ,It is an abso-lutely necessaryinstrument to analyze solution for chemical labs, physic in-spection organizations, hospitals, phar-maceutical factory and so on |
ZYT-1型自动永停滴定仪 技术参数Technical Parameter
极化电压polarization volatage | 50,100,(mv) | 灵敏度Sensitivity | 1.5×10-9A,1.5×10-8A | 门限值Threshold value | 60% 80% 99% | 终点延时End-point delay | 1’30” | 电源power supply | 200V, 50Hz | 快点延时Fast drip delay | 7” | 功率power | 18W | ZYT-2 型自动永停滴定仪 ZYT-2 AUTOMATIC ASCERTAINING END-POINT TITRATOR 概述 ZYT-2 型自动永停滴定仪ZYT-2 型自动永停滴定仪是按照中国药典所规定的永停滴定法来检测药品含量的终点指示仪器,本仪器采用特制精密计量泵和高可靠三通转换阀,能完成自动吸夜,自动注液。自动测定最后终点自动由LED数字显示正确的标准液消耗。 GENERAL ZYT-2 automatic ascertaining end-point titrator is the end-point indication instrument which inspects the content of medicine according to the ascertaining end-point titrimetry regulated in Chinese codex. It is equipped with handtailor exact measuring pump and three-way crossover valve. It can absorb and shot liquid automatically, measure the end-point automatically, and show standard liquid dosage | ZYT-2 型自动永停滴定仪技术参数Technical Parameter
泵管容量 pump pipe volume | >25ml | 容量精度 capacity precision | <0.2% | 门限值 Threshold value | 50-80 | 极化电压 Polarization voltage | -50,-100(mv) | 分辨率 Distinguisha-bility | 0.01(ml) | 电压 Power supply | 200v 50Hz | 灵敏度 Sensetivity | 10-8A,10-9A | 终点延时 End-point delay | 1’30’’ | 功率 | 20W | | ZYT-2J智能自动永停滴定仪 概述
ZYT-2J智能自动永停滴定仪 本仪器是根据中国药典2005版对容量分析永停滴定法的要求而设计的一款新颖微电脑控制的自动永停滴定仪。仪器采用大尺寸彩色显示屏,全中文触摸屏操作。各种技术参数可根据实际需要灵活设置,设置时,人机对话,操作方便、直观。仪器标定及检测样品时,彩屏即时显示滴定曲线,同时门限值位置及滴定动态也即时出现。 本仪器可配专用打印机,也可直接连接台式电脑使用。
The instrument is designed according to Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005 edition of the capacity analysis requirements of the end-point titration. The apparatus has a large colored display, touch screen operation. A variety of technical parameters can be set flexibly according to actual needs, when in calibration or tests of samples, it show real-time titration curves in color at the same time, the location of threshold and titration status are also shown. The instrument can be connected to special printers and also to desktop computers.
| ZYT-2J智能自动永停滴定仪 主要技术指标
1.极化电压:-30mv ~ -450mv任意设置 Polarization voltage: -30mv ~-450mv stepless set
2.灵敏度: 10-6 ; 10-7 ;10-8 ;10-9 分四栏任意设置 Sensitivity: 10-6 ; 10-7 ;10-8 ;10-9 stepless set in four columns
3.门限值: 50~90任意设置 Threshold value: 50 ~ 90 stepless set
4.最小进给量0.01、0.02、0.03ml/2秒 三档 Minimum feed 0.01,0.02,0.03 ml / 2 seconds in third grade
5.滴定延时:0秒~300秒任意设置 Titration delay: 0 seconds ~ 300 seconds stepless set
6.搅拌速度:001~999任意连续设置 Mixing speed: 001 ~ 999 stepless set |
自动永停滴定仪 智能永停滴定仪 北京永停滴定仪 ZYT-1永停滴定仪 ZYT-2永停滴定仪 ZYT-2J智能永停滴定仪 北京全自动永停滴定仪 现诚招各级代理商 ,电话: 蒋先生 |