
首页>园林景观 >景观音箱照明>水底灯







公司是一家专业从事石油化工、船舶工业、污水处理、环保工程、医药食品等行业过程仪表及其自动化整体解决方案的民营高科技企业,公司前身是成立于1987年的无锡老牌电子仪器单位(国营无锡市梅园电子仪器厂),现我公司为中国仪器仪表行业协会理事单位,无锡市技术计量协会常任副理事长单位、省、无锡530项目单位。??公司拥有*的科研力量,通过与清华大学、东南大学、江南大学以及上海自动化仪表研究所等院校及科研单位的长期定点合作,在长期保证产品质量、工艺水平以及为用户解决疑难问题上保驾护航。 ??现公司主要产品有液位、压力、温度、流量以及气体检测传感器;船舶液货监测报警系统、船舶内通、火灾及通用报警系统;工业系统集成DCS、PLC系统等。公司凭借着强大的科研力量、成熟的生产工艺、*的检测设备以及完善的质量管理体系,制造符合国家及行业标准的系列产品,并承诺不出现任何一件存在瑕疵或缺陷的产品。正是这种坚持与承诺,与客户建立了长期良好的互信关系,公司始终以“诚信合规、优质创新、高效务实”为经营理念,以“以人为本、用户至上”的服务宗旨为广大客户服务。 ??我们始终以热情、真诚的态度欢迎各界朋友莅临指导,相互合作,衷心祝愿您事业昌盛、兴旺发达。



Valve remote control and liquid level telemetry technical specification

一、 液位遥测及阀门遥控系统/ Liquid level telemetry and valve remote control system

概述/ summarize


The liquid level telemetry system is used to monitor the liquid level height data of all functional tanks of the ship, such as ballast tanks (usually including bottom ballast, side ballast, etc.), bow peak tank, fresh water tank, etc. The liquid level telemetry system monitors the liquid level signal of each cabin through the liquid level sensor, and the signal acquisition system collects the sensor signal of each point, and displays the real-time data through the computer monitor, and can be transmitted to the centralized control console to display the data at the same time, and sets high and low alarm for the corresponding cabin according to the requirements. Through intelligent centralized display, the traditional manual measurement mode can be changed, saving manpower and greatly improving work efficiency. The load can be adjusted through the ballast water data linkage valve in real time. Valve remote control system is mainly used to control the signals of each remote control valve, according to different valve models, functions to adopt different control methods, and use with the liquid level telemetry system to achieve the ship's ballast water management. The system also designed a standby computer operating system, that is, when the main control system failure can be activated standby operating system, still has the real-time monitoring of liquid level data and remote control of the valve system. The system is generally divided into three types: pure manual switch type, computer LCD touch type, switch computer body.

阀门系统构成图/ Valve system configuration diagram

电脑液晶画面图/ Computer LCD picture

开关电脑一体型图/ Switch computer size diagram

二、污水井监测报警系统/ Sewage well monitoring and alarm system

概述/ Overview

1. 系统构成/ System composition


The sewage well monitoring and alarm system is mainly composed of the sewage well probe and alarm board structure and the liquid level telemetry valve remote control system.

2.主要功能/ Main function


It mainly monitors the sewage level at each setting point, and triggers the alarm board system alarm when it reaches a certain height or set a height to remind and warn.




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