齿轮跳动检查仪 | |
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![]() 402-004 | aa 仪器工作原理 aa 齿轮径向跳动DFr,在齿轮一转范围内,测头在齿槽内或齿轮上,与齿高中部双面接触,测头相对于齿轮轴线的变动量。为此,齿径向跳 动的检查是借具有原始齿条齿形的测量头进行。图所示,为用于这种检查仪的原理示意图。检查时,将装在芯轴上的被检查齿轮,固定在仪器两顶 针间,把具有原始齿条齿形的测量头,依次插入齿轮的齿间内,并用指示表示出测量头位置对齿轮转动轴线的跳动量。 |
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用于检查6 级或6 级以下精度圆柱,圆锥外齿轮及蜗轮蜗杆的径向跳动或端面跳动。 | Operating principle Radial runout DFr of gear ring is the maximum variation of distance from the center gear to the gage head which contacts the gear tooth at middle tooth profile of standard gear rack, testing radial runout of gear ring is put into practice. Operating principle is shown as Fig. 1. When cheching fix the tested gear placed on the arbor between centers of the tester, inserting gagge head into space of both teeth in turn, then runout of the gage head relative to ratary axis of the gear is shown by the indicator. |
For measuring radial or face runout of out engaging cylindric and tapered gears, worm and worm gear (Accuracy: ≤class 6). | |
主要技术参数 Main technical parameter | |
被测齿轮模数 measuring gear module | 齿轮直径 Max. Diameter of gear |
1-6 mm | 150mm,300mm |
测架转动范围 Swivel range of measuring stand | 指示表分度值 Division Value of indicator |
±90 ° | 0.001mm |
仪器示值变化在10 次测量过程中,不大于下列规定: The variation of indication value of the tester during measuring 10 times does not exceed the value shown in following table: | |
aaaaaaaaa a测光滑表面 Testing smooth surface | 测齿轮 Testing gear |
aaaaaaaaaa ▲不用杠杆 ▲Without leveraaaa▲用杠杆 ▲With levera▲不用杠杆 ▲Without lever | |
aaaaaaaaaga 1 μmaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa 2 μm aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa 3 μm |