




PRRH335型智能微量氧化安定性测定仪 PPRRH335 Intelligent Trace Oxidation Stability Tester


PRRH0175型自动柴油氧化安定性测定仪 PRRH0175 automatic diesel oxidation stability tester













吉林市普锐特科技有限责任公司,位于吉林市*开发区。主要产品有:闪点仪、运动粘度测定仪、开口闪点仪、闭口闪点仪、凝点仪、抗乳化测定仪。公司拥有专门从事多年石化仪器仪表研制工作的科研人员及高品质的员工队伍,具有雄厚的仪器、仪表制造能力。我公司产品被广泛应用于石化、电力、铁路、航空、教育和科研部门,产品自动化程度高,可代替进口产品,加快工作效率,从而减轻了化验室工作人员的劳动强度。产品的质量和*的自动化技术性能也得到广大用户的好评与信赖。    公司2007年研发了新一代的油品分析仪器。其中以智能开口闪点测定仪(执行标准GB/T3536-2008)和智能闭口闪点测定仪(执行标准GB/T261-2008)为代表:这两种仪器采用彩色液晶显示器,触摸式键盘,中、英文界面操作菜单有良好的人机界面,对用户设定的参数有保存记忆功能,可存100项试验纪录。自动打印试验结果并设有232计算机接口,整体仪器外观小巧、操作简便、测量准确工作稳定性高、重量轻,很适合现场工作。公司研发的新一代智能凝·倾点测定仪具有彩色液晶显示器,触摸式键盘、中文操作界面、半导体制冷等技术特点。检测油品范围:变压器油、柴油、各种机油等。    公司经过不断努力与创新,并有机电一体化和单片机及应用的工程师做后盾力量已逐步形成了以仪器仪表研制、开发、生产、自动化系统集成、计算机及网络技术应用为主导,集、科、产于一体的高科技企业。    公司重合同、守信誉、求发展。希望我公司产品给您工作带来便利。Jilin Prius Special Technology Co., Ltd., located in Jilin Hi-tech Development Zone. The main products are: a flash point tester, kinematic viscosity meter, opening flash point tester, closed flash point tester, pour point tester, anti-emulsification tester. The company has specialized in petrochemical instrumentation development work for many years of scientific research personnel and high-quality workforce, a strong instrument, instrument manufacturing capacity. Our products are widely used in petrochemical, electric power, railway, aviation, education and scientific research sector, high degree of automation products, can replace imported products, to accelerate the work efficiency, thereby reducing the labor intensity of laboratory staff. Quality and performance of advanced automation technology products has also been the majority of users praise and trust.The company in 2007 developed a new generation of oil analysis instruments. Among the smart opening flash point tester (the implementation of standards GB / T3536-2008) and Smart Flash Point Tester (Executive Standard GB / T261-2008) represented: Both instruments use color LCD display, touch keyboard, in English operation menu interface have good man-machine interface, the parameters set by the user has to save memory, it can store 100 test records. Automatically print test results and a 232 computer interface, the overall appearance of small, simple operation, high measurement accuracy job stability, light weight, very suitable for field work. The company developed a new generation of intelligent condensate ? pour point tester with color LCD, touch keyboard, Chinese user interface, and other leading semiconductor refrigeration technology features. Oil Detection range: transformer oil, diesel, various oils and the like.The company through continuous efforts and innovation, and mechatronics and microcontroller applications and engineers backed by force has been gradually formed instrumentation research and development, production, automation systems integration, computer and network technology oriented set, Branch, Produced in high-tech enterprises.Company contract and keep credibility, and development. We hope our products bring convenience to your work.


(2)工作频率:40.68MHz ± 0.05%
(6)电磁场泄漏射强度:距机身20cm 处,电场强度E:<2 V / m
(1)输出工作线圈:内径25mm 、3匝
1、等离子气流量计:(100-1000)L/h  (1.6-16L/min)
2、辅助气流量计:(10-100)L/h   (0.16-1.66L/min)
3、载气流量计:(10-100)L/h   (0.16-1.66L/min)
5、冷却水:水温:21-26℃ 流量>5L/min 水压>0.1Mpa 冷却水:电阻率>1MΩ
(6)扫描波长范围: 180-500nm,3600刻线/mm;
(1)操作系统:Windows XP 、Windows 7、Windows 10操作平台
PGP77 ICP spectrometer
PGP77 ICP spectrometer is an instrument specially used to detect other impurity elements such as silicon, petroleum, gasoline, lubricating oil and other petrochemical industries.
Its test accuracy is better than atomic absorption, especially the silicon element that can not be measured by atomic absorption. The sensitivity and detection performance of other atomic absorption spectroscopy elements ICP spectrometers are better.
Main performance parameters:
1. Wavelength range: 180-800nm ​​(2400 reticle/mm) or 180-500nm (3600 reticle/mm)
2, resolution: the resolution in the entire band of 180-500nm ≤ 0.006nm
3, wavelength indication error and repeatability: wavelength indication error ≤ 0.02nm, repeatability ≤ 0.003nm
4, scanning step: up to 0.0004nm
5, precision: RSD ≤ 1.5%
6, stability: RSD ≤ 2.0%
7, detection limit: PPb level
8. Analysis of element range: quantitative and qualitative analysis of 72 metal elements and some non-metal elements (such as B, P, Si, Se, Te)
9, linear range: 7 orders of magnitude or more.
10, analysis speed: scan more than 20 elements per minute
11, grade certificate: national measurement instrument form license A level
Detailed parameters of each component:
Fully automatic plasma emission spectrometer RF generator (RF)
(1) Circuit type: Inductive feedback self-excited oscillation circuit, coaxial cable output, matching tuning, taking power feedback signal, performing closed-loop automatic control
(2) Working frequency: 40.68MHz ± 0.05%
(3) Frequency stability: ≤0.05%
(4) Output power: 800-1500W, automatic adjustment
(5) Output power stability: ≤0.3%
(6) Electromagnetic field leakage intensity: 20cm from the fuselage, electric field strength E: <2 v="">
Fully automatic plasma emission spectrometer sample introduction device
(1) Output working coil: inner diameter 25mm, 3匝
(2) Torch: three concentric type, quartz torch with outer diameter of 20mm
(3) Coaxial sprayer: outer diameter 6mm
(4) Double cylinder type fog chamber: outer diameter 34mm
(5) Observation position: before and after the horizontal observation, horizontal and horizontal observation, can be intuitively adjusted by software
(6) Argon gas flowmeter specifications and carrier gas pressure gauge specifications:
1. Plasma gas flow meter: (100-1000) L/h (1.6-16L/min)
2. Auxiliary gas flowmeter: (10-100) L/h (0.16-1.66L/min)
3. Carrier gas flowmeter: (10-100) L/h (0.16-1.66L/min)
4, carrier gas regulator valve: (0-0.4Mpa) L / h
5, cooling water: water temperature: 21-26 ° C flow rate > 5L / min water pressure > 0.1Mpa cooling water: resistivity > 1MΩ
Fully automatic plasma emission spectrometer splitter
(1) Light path: Czerny-Turner
(2) Focal length: 1000mm
(3) Grating specification: ion etching holographic grating; engraved line density 3600 lines/mm, engraved area: 80×110mm
   (or engraved line density 2400 lines / mm, engraved area: 80 × 110mm)
(4) Reciprocal rate of line dispersion rate: 0.26nm/mm
(5) Resolution: ≤0.007nm (whole band)
(6) Scanning wavelength range: 180-500 nm, 3600 reticle/mm;
       180-800nm, 2400 lines/mm
(7) Scanning step: 0.0004 nm
(8) Exit, incident slit: 20μm × 25μm
(9) Mirror specifications: (78 × 105 × 16) mm
(10) Lens: φ30, 1:1 imaging
(11) Mirror specifications: concave
(12) Spectrometer thermostat: 34 °C ± 0.5 °C
Fully automatic plasma emission spectrometer photometric device
(1) Photomultiplier tube specifications: Japan high efficiency R212UH or R928
(2) Photomultiplier tube negative pressure: 200-1000V, automatic adjustment, stability <>
(3) Photomultiplier tube current measurement range: 10-4~10-9A
(4) Signal acquisition is V/F exchange: 1mV corresponds to 100Hz
(5) Sampling circuit: using foreign high-precision operational amplifiers, the sensitivity and accuracy of the instrument are greatly improved.
(6) Instrument data acquisition: It is connected to the computer through the serial port, which simplifies the circuit and makes the connection more convenient.
(7) Metering method: single and multi-element sequential measurement
Fully automatic plasma emission spectrometer operating software:
(1) Operating system: Windows XP or Windows 7 operating platform
(2) Measuring the number of wavelengths: arbitrarily selected
(3) Analysis speed: 20 elements or more per minute
(4) Database: more than 110,000 line libraries
(5) Multi-window: After measuring one result, the last result can be retained in the display window while measuring the next sample;
(6) Standard addition method: software must have standard addition method for use under different conditions and applications.
(7) Analysis mode: software default analysis mode, with instrument diagnosis, spectrum analysis and several measurement methods and several integration modes, unit optional and other functions
(8) Historical database: In the historical database, the batch analysis result that you want to print can be selectively printed at the same time.
(9) Data output: software supports laser printer to print analysis results




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