DW-PW106SGZ Ticket gate three roller gate


DW-PW106SGZ Ticket gate three roller gate



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According to the application requirements, the appropriate Dongwo series ticket inspection machine can be selected and installed, which can realize the automatic ticket inspection and release of multiple media tickets such as barcode tickets, IC card tickets, RFID tickets, fingerprints, second-generation ID cards and so on.
Brushless DC motors are maintenance-free and brand new digital positioning;
It contains a damping adjustment device, which can effectively reduce the wear caused by the noise and mechanical impact of the equipment during operation, and increase the service life of the equipment.
High-quality SUS304 stainless steel shell, strong and durable structure, strong protection performance and easy maintenance.
The arc design of the edge of the gate of the gate machine can avoid the edges and corners hurting people, realize the humanized design, safe and reliable.
With clear and bright traffic status indicator and traffic status indicator.
After the ticket is checked, the putter passes, one for each person, and the effect of anti-trailing is good.
The function of automatic pole drop after power failure meets the requirements of fire protection.
The rod rotating device adopts the international advanced passive rotating working mode, and the design of the spring damper and the self-balancing mechanism ensures that the gate is always in a safe and stable running state. Low noise, good force sense, mechanical rotation life reaches more than 6 million times;
When the ticket is checked, the result of the ticket will be played by voice;
Support two-way authentication, two-way traffic;

The standard configuration:
QR code metal keyboard display
RFID (IC card), ID card, fingerprint, camera, etc.
Length 1400mm × width 280mm × height 980mm
70 (KG)
Gate length:
510 (mm)
Maximum bearing capacity of brake rod:
Brake lever driving force:
Brake lever transmission mode:
Digital way
Brake lever steering:
Bidirectional, unidirectional (optional)
Working mode of brake lever:
Fully automatic
Light tips:
Direction indication
Working movement:
German technology, domestic motor
Adopt optical working principle, no delay requirement for input control signal
Control board with counting function, LED digital display function (optional)
working environment:
Indoor and outdoor
-20 ℃ ∽50 ℃
Emergency measures:
Power off automatically
Card reader port:
Comes with standard mounting bracket, or customized
Opening time:
0.1-0.2 seconds
Passing speed:
Maximum: 45 ~ 50 people / minute Average: 35 ~ 40 people / minute
input interface:
+ 12V level signal or DC12V pulse signal with pulse width> 100ms, drive current> 10mA; dry contact signal (relay open signal) standard RS485 interface



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