床单送布机Cloth feeder
经销商航星洗涤机械泰州有限公司位于江苏省泰州市苏陈工业园区,是中国洗涤机械协会会员单位,是国内生产服装水洗机械设备较大企业之一,荣获ISO9001:2000质量认证、自营出口权。航星洗涤机械泰州有限公司专业设计、制造工业用洗衣机,烘干机,脱水机,牛仔水洗机,石磨机,砂洗机,干磨机(造花机),成衣染色机,袜子染色机,毛衣砂洗机,洗脱两用机、新型烫平机、染色机,牛仔水洗机,乳胶烘干机,乳胶泡洗机,地毯清洗机,皮革纹揉机、干揉机、水揉机 等。本厂生产的产品适用于各类服装厂、水洗厂、医院、宾馆、酒店、皮革厂、乳胶制品厂、大中院校、铁路列车段等行业,产品性能优良,全国,远销日本及东南亚地区,博得国内外用户*好评。厂名:航星洗涤机械泰州有限公司
商品编号:送 布 机
所属类别: 集成系列
商品描述: 高速、有效、节能、抽湿双面刷平送布机
Product number: cloth feeding machine
TypeInfo: Integrated series
Product description: High-speed, effective, energy-saving, dehumidifying double-sided brush flat cloth feeder
1. It is placed in front of the ironing machine to improve safety, prevent injuries, reduce operating costs and increase profits.
2. Reduce the labor intensity of workers, reduce the number of workers by two in a single line, and reduce the cost of labor.
3, high-speed automatic feeding, save time, improve work efficiency, increase output by more than 50%. Reduce the labor cost of steam and electricity and increase profits.
4. Pre-extract some water, improve work efficiency, reduce energy consumption and wages, and increase profits.
5. Synchronous air suction and cloth feeding, tightly sucking the quilt sheets for transmission, preventing the sheets or quilts from being sucked into the bottom, and no matter whether the quilt sheets are successfully fed.
6. Automatic shaking and flattening. The brushes on both sides of the industry are automatically flattened, and the sheets, quilt covers, and pillowcases can be fed flatly. Better than any cloth spreading machine (this machine is flat brushed on one side), improving the ironing quality of bed sheets, quilt covers and pillowcases, enhancing image, enhancing competitiveness, improving customer satisfaction and competitiveness, and increasing business and profit more easily.
7, when the design requirements are met, the number of single-line hotel sheets per hour reaches 1,000.