700X 水泵控制阀
用途 User The valve is installed in the outlet of the pump. It is used to prevent the backflow of the medium and can be connected with the water pump to prevent water hammer phenomenon. It is applicable to water systems such as industrial and mining enterprises and high-rise buildings. 两阶段关闭防水锤效果好,明显。The two-phase shut-off hammer has good effect and quiet sound. 原理 Principle 开阀:水泵起动,电磁阀通电打开,主阀上隔膜室的水流入下游。主阀瓣被下腔压力水推起。 关阀:停泵前,电磁阀断电,主阀开始关闭,当关闭至10%开度时,行程开关动作,水泵停止。余下10%开度靠介质倒流使主阀瓣关闭。 Open valve: water pump starts, the solenoid valve opens, the water of the diaphragm chamber in the main valve flows downstream. The main disc is pushed by the cavity pressure. Shutoff valve: before stopping the pump, the solenoid valve is off. The main valve begins to close. When it closes to 10%, the stroke switch moves and the pump stops. The remaining 10% opening depends on the flow of the medium to close the main disc. 执行标准 Executive standard 法兰尺寸 Flange dimensions:GB/T 17241.6 试验检验 Test test:GB/T 13927 安装图典型 Installation diagram
特点 Characteristic