Beijing Osees Technology Co., Limited
Beijing Osees is an agency of professional environmental and marine equipments. Our products are mainly used in the field of Ecology, Environment and Oceanography, etc. At present, our company has formed a partnership with a number of internationally renowned instrument manufacturers, and is responsible for business, technical support and providing the service for the customers in China.
Our team is composed of a great many of professionals which with relevant technical backgrounds and extensive market experiences, many of them are Master's or above in related field, they all had systematic training in several aspects: Equipment operation and applications, can answer the questions of client in time and provide the most professional service.
Our clients are mainly in colleges, research institutions and state monitoring organizations. We make regular contact with our clients since the foundation of the company, pay attention to collect feedbacks, and actively carry out technological communications. Therefore, we have received common recognition and appreciation from our customers
Together with top-tier international manufactures, Beijing Osees will provide clients the best products and services, and make contributions to the development of China’s environmental and scientific research with our clients.
自动定序: 电子组件控制一至四个样品进行平行试验的三个步骤顺序(抽提,清洗和蒸发干燥)。当启动指令完成,程序运行后,无须人工操作。
快速执行抽提过程: 每个抽提单元内有两个内置加热元件,具有的加热效率,适用于高沸点溶剂。而且,通过光学传感器的控制,用户能够适时优化溶剂交换,增加物质交换(分析物/溶剂),同时节省溶剂消耗。
高安全标准: 冷却水,溶剂容量以及热源被严格监控,以保证安全水平。连接件紧密连接,内置防护玻璃也是Buchi安全措施的一部分。
样品兼容干燥: 对于热敏样品,抽提过程能够设定在保护模式;而对氧敏感的样品则可以在惰性气体环境下被抽提与干燥。
无样品污染: 所有与样品接触的部分均有惰性气体保护,确保样品不会受到污染,防止添加剂腐蚀密封件。
的环境和残留物检测: 对每一个需求,可任意使用多种方法:热抽提法,索氏(Soxhlet)标准法,索氏(Soxhlet)热抽提法,以及连续抽提法。