PF 强耐腐蚀离心泵
经销商本公司以泵阀类产品、给水设备及相关电气控制设备为主导产品,拥有国内优秀的产品技术,是国内水泵阀门制造企业之一。 本公司自创业以来,产品不断优化,推陈出新,部份型号可替代进口产品,深受建筑、环保、消防、暖通、给排水、化工、冶金、造纸、电力等各行业用户的好评,多项产品成为中国建筑工程公司及上海市工程建设公司的*产品。 申升泵阀致力追求“以人为本、注重素质;以精为先、注重优质;以诚为用、注重品质;以高为标、注重实质”的企业精神,脚踏实地、锐意进取,以振兴民族工业为已任。 面临21世纪的挑战,企业正处在竞争与发展同存,谋求发展繁荣共继之成企业界的共识。本公司本着“以质量求生存、以品种求发展,一切为用户服务”的宗旨,竭诚为用户提供优质的产品。
The product summary :
The part of impeller and his transport medium contact all use assembling partial fluorine ethylene or strengthen the process or mould plastics that the polypropylene mould pressinges and process and becomes the pump cover his pump aspect PF ( FS ) mould chemical industry pump . Assembling the partial fluorine ethylene plastics possesses the mechanical strength height , and the corrosion preventive capability is good , and are one of international upward wider engineering plastics of application .
The save energy mould pump of the corrosiveness of the Ministry of Industry such as chemical industry and chlorine alkali , chemical fertilizer , dyestuff , reagent , pesticide , pharmacy , electroplating and environmental protection etc door transport that PF ( FS ) mould chemical industry pump can satisfy to carry many kinds of consistency sulphuric acid , hydrochloric acid , nitric acid , acetic acid , phosphoric acid , chromium acid , oxalic acid , hydrofluoric acid and the lye , organic solvent and oxidizer geometric ratio medium under - 50 ℃s - 80 ℃ s temperature conditions and is not Han s anything small and roundish medium .
结 构
PF ( FS ) mould seriation worker s pump is for the straight type the uniteing structure , and connectioing by pump aspect and carriage and the electrical machinery flange , carriage and the electrical machinery flange connections , and the carriage supports the pump aspect , and the impeller passes through the axle directly uniteing with the electrical machinery . The characteristic of this series pump : The structure is simple compact and the part are few and the capability good .
Inhaling the entrance certainly seeing to the clockwise revolving to the electrical machinery direction , the pump export uprightness upwards the revolving direction of pump .
The pump is close , chooses assembling the tetra-fluorin ethylene ( F4 ) bellows , outside loading type corrosion preventive is mechanical close .
PF型强耐腐蚀离心泵(The strong corrosion preventive centrifugal pump of PF s mould 性能参数 |