Guangdong High Dream Intellectualized Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
广东海川智能机器有限公司是目前上具有规模的微机组合秤制造企业, 也是国内拥有中英文等多种语言选择的防水型多头微机组合秤的批量生产基地。公司拥有3万平方米的组合秤组装车间及200多名员工,年产量近2000台机器。并具有整套组合秤定量称重包装系统从设计开发、生产制造、市场销售、安装调试、技术培训到售后服务等多方面的综合能力。
High Dream is a leading manufacturer of Multihead Weighers in China and abroad. We provide our customers with the highest quality Weighers,both in manufacture and service. With 30,000 m^2 customized floor-space, over 300 employees and a capacity to build over 2,000 weighers a year. As a pioneer in computerized Multihead Weighers in China with 10 years of experiecnce (est. 2000), we have assembled a great team of experienced Sales Representatives, Customer-Service oriented Technicians, Quality Control Inspectors, R&D and Industrial Engineers.
伴随食品包装行业的发展, 海川公司研制并生产出具有*技术水平的食品包装设备, 如多头微机组合秤、重量检测机、Z型输送机、振动给料机、成品输送机等, 促成了多头微机组合秤和立式(给袋式)充填包装机的*质配套,可在包装过程中自动完成计量、送料、充填制袋、日期打印的全部工作, 从而实现产品的续准确称量、快速包装和重量检测一体化。我司是国内较大和拥有自主研发组合秤产品覆盖范围Z广的企业,AC-6B防水型10头和14头微机组合秤是海川公司在国内外Z为的主打产品之一, 新型产品涵盖16头,18头,20头,24头和3层记忆斗组合秤。IP65到IP67的防水防尘式设计、直观简洁的触摸屏控制系统、全不锈钢机身等更加方便客户操作、清洁与维护。强大的数据自动统计功能,记录统计着单批生产的总包数、合格率、单袋平均误差等可量化指标, *解决了以往国内食品厂家操作、清洁、维护、统计难的"顽疾"。自推出市场至今, 备受国内外大型立式(给袋式)包装机厂、贸易公司、食品生产厂家的青睐与推崇。
Along with the development of food packaging industry, company research and produce a following with international advanced technology level of food packaging equipment, such as bull microcomputer combination scale, weight and testing machine, Z spiral conveyer, vibrating feeder, finished product, contributed to the belt scale and vertical hydra-headed microcomputer combination (to bag) the best filling packing machine, can be in packaging process matching automatically complete measurement, feeding, bag filling, date printing, thus realize all the work product sequels, fast packaging and weighing weight inspection integration. High Dream has the wide range of product diversity that ensures that we have the best Weigher that meets your needs: from the Basic 10 and 14 head Weighers, high-volume Linear or Salad Weighers, High-Speed Weigher, to our tri-level Memorized Hopper and more.
海川公司化迅猛发展, 营销网络已覆盖七十多个国家及地区。营销业务的显著增长, 技术及服务能力的大幅提升, 使“海川”已成为食品、日用化工等领域Z重要的微机组合秤品牌之一。海川公司一直以来坚持“诚信、优质、创新”的经营理念。以顾客需求为导向。您的满意,是海川人共同的追求。海川人以高质量的产品、良好的售后服务、公平合理的价格竭诚为广大客户服务,与新老、中外客户共同发展、互惠互利、共同创造美好的明天。
High Dream is a mature company with experience in providing both products and service to companies internationally; our Sales Network includes over seventy countries world-wide. At High Dream we are eager to give you our best service and efforts to meet your individually unique needs. HighDream is always eager to cooperate with packaging machine manufacturers, OEMs, food machinery agents, resellers, and users all over the world. We have full confidence that High Dream has the best product and service to offer available.