进口用气体安全阀|进口压缩空气安全阀|进口氮气安全阀|进口氢气安全阀|进口天然气安全阀|进口气体管道安全阀 进口气体安全阀Gas safety valve---美国威盾(VTON),是一种用于无毒无害及非易燃易爆气体的管道及容器等设备作为超压保护的zui终安全保护装置, 气体安全阀采用弹簧直接载荷式,有法兰和螺纹连接,阀盖封闭式式结构。空气或其他气体介质用安全阀,一般选用封闭全启式弹簧安全阀。 威盾气体安全阀广泛用于气体系统。 The gas safety valve, which is a pipeline used for non-toxic and non flammable and explosive gas and vessels and other equipment as the ultimate safety protection device for overpressure protection, The gas safety valve with spring loaded, a flange and threaded connection, the valve cover closed type structure. Safety valve for air or other gas medium, generally used in open and full closed safety valve spring. The gas safety valve is widely used in the gas system. 尺寸范围:DN15~DN300 压力等级:1.6~32.0MPa 壳体材料:碳钢、不锈钢、合金钢 适用介质:气体、液体、蒸汽 操作方式:自动 如果您有需要咨询更详细的产品信息 请咨询*代理商--深圳欧阀进出口贸易有限公司 供应进口用气体安全阀|进口压缩空气安全阀进口安全阀 供应进口用气体安全阀|进口压缩空气安全阀进口安全阀 |进口压缩空气安全阀进口安全阀