



时间:2013-07-20      阅读:312


磁翻板液位计有很高的结构强度和耐腐蚀性,可适用于盐酸等酸性液体、碱性液体和有机溶剂。但不适合浓缩硝酸、含氯溶剂、芳香剂、脂肪族等介质液体的测量。清晰的指示出液位的高度,显示直观醒目,指示器与贮罐*隔离,使用安全、设计合理、结构简单、安装方便可靠、性能稳定、使用寿命长、维修费用低、便于安装维护等优点。磁翻板液位计在选择材质方面也是非常严格,下面详细的介绍一下各类不锈钢材质的特性。 不锈钢表面生成一层可自修复的钝化氧化物薄膜而具有耐腐蚀性。这层薄膜的修复能力随铬含量增加而提高,也可以加入钼。镍可促进奥氏体组织形成,提高延展性和成型性。管道用途中典型使用的标准不锈钢通常含铬17%~18%,含镍8%—12%。zui常用的钢种是BS EN 1。4301(304),1。4307(304L).1.4401(316)和1.4404(316L)。不锈钢为管道系统设计师提供了许多方面的优势。 精密不锈钢水中的一般腐蚀速度非常低,不需留有腐蚀余量。磁翻板液位计能够经受非常高的流速(>40m/s)。耐腐蚀性同高强度结合可缩小断面直径,减小壁厚和降低重量,从而快速、容易地安装。可延展性使得使用合适的工具不困难地弯曲和切削。特别是不锈钢压入配合易用于接头处,是在空间和通道有限的地方安装或有发热问题的地方使用的理想材料。 由此可见磁翻板液位计在液位仪表中是被大大的推广使用,在加上磁翻板液位计的技术革新,磁翻板的发站趋势还是比较明显的再增长!!!


Magnetic level gauge has the very high structural strength and corrosion resistance, and can be applied to hydrochloric acid liquid, alkali liquid and organic solvent. Measurement but not for concentrated nitric acid, chlorinated solvents, aromatic, aliphatic, dielectric liquid. Clear indication of the liquid level height, display visual, indicator and tank is compley isolated, the advantages of safe use, reasonable design, simple structure, convenient installation, reliable, stable performance, long service life, low repair cost, convenient installation and maintenance etc.. Magnetic level gauge in the choice of materials is also very strict, characteristics of the following detailed introduce all kinds of stainless steel.

Stainless steel surface to form a layer of passivation oxide thin films can be repaired and has corrosion resistance. Repair capacity of this layer of the film increases with increasing chromium content, can be added molybdenum. Ni can promote www.china-211600.com .the Austenite Formation, improve the ductility and formability. Typical use standard stainless steel pipe applications usually containing 17%~18%, nickel containing 8% - 12%. Steel is the most commonly used BS EN 1. 4301 304 1. 4307 (304L).1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L). Stainless steel provides many advantages for the designers of pipeline system.

General corrosion speed precision stainless steel water is very low, need not have corrosion allowance. Magnetic level gauge can withstand very high velocity (>40m / s). The corrosion resistance of high strength combined with reduced section diameter, reduced wall thickness and weight reduction, so fast, easy to install. Ductility allows bending using appropriate tools is not difficult and cutting. Especially stainless steel press fit easily for joints, is ideal material for use in local space and channel the installation or the heating problem.

Thus magnetic level gauge in the liquid level meter is used greatly, in addition to technical innovation level gauge magnetic, magnetic flap of the station is still obvious growth trend!!!


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