

参考价: 面议

2018-05-14 09:00:00





系列 Series A38Y-16C/25/40 A43H-16C/25/40 A37H-16C/25/40



系列 Series A38Y-16C/25/40 A43H-16C/25/40 A37H-16C/25/40

本阀门适用于工作温度≤350℃的蒸汽、水等介质的设备和管路上。作为超压保护装置。连接法兰标准按JB/T……-94的系列1。This safety valves are used for the equipment and pipeline of the steam, water etc. medium what the workingtemperature are less than 350 . Take for extra pressure protection devices.Flange connecting dimensions of comply with Standard series one of JB/T -94.

A37H-A43H双联弹簧式安全阀主要零部件材料 Explanation of materials for main parts
A38Y, A43H, A37H safety valve, except the three-ways style (material WCB), the materials of other parts is the same as A47H, A48Y type spring loaded type safety valve.
A38Y A38Y Type
A48Y Relevant A48Y Type
  A43Y A43Y Type
A47Y Relevant A47Y Type
  A37Y A37Y Type
A47Y Relevant A47Y Type
50 322   50 322   50 322
80 502   80 502   80 652
100 652   100 802   100 802
150 1002   125 1002   125 1002
      150 1252   150 1252

A38Y、A43H、A37H型双联安全阀是在Y型接头上装设两个同样规格的A48Y或A47H型安全阀而构成,其公称通径系列指Y型接头进口通径,其组合情况如下表:A38Y, A43H, A37H type twin safety valve is composed of two A48Y or A47Y type safety valves with the same specifications. Which are fixed on a Y-shaped joint. The nominal diameter is the inlet diameter of the Y-shaped joint. Here is the table to show its combination.

外形尺寸和连接尺寸 Dimensions (mm)
Type (DN) do D K g g1 b f f1 Z- d DN' D1 k1 g2 b1 f' Z1- d1 L L1 L0 h H
A37H-16C A43H-16C 50 25 165 125 100   20 3   4-18 32 140 100 78 18 2 4-18 115 110 165 235 547
80 40 200 160 135   20 3   8-18 50 165 125 100 16 3 4-18 135 120 190 285 795
80 50 200 160 135   20 3   8-18 65 185 145 120 18 3 4-18 140 130 205 310 835
100 65 220 180 155   22 3   8-18 80 200 160 135 20 3 8-18 160 135 255 355 890
125 80 250 210 185   22 3   8-18 100 220 180 155 22 3 8-18 170 160 260 410 1,170
150 100 285 240 210   24 3   8-23 125 250 210 185 22 3 8-18 190 190 275 430 1,240
50 25 165 125 100   20 3   4-18 32 140 100 78 18 2 4-18 115 110 165 235 547
80 40 200 160 135   22 3   8-18 50 165 125 100 16 3 4-18 135 120 190 285 795
80 50 200 160 135   22 3   8-18 65 185 145 120 18 3 4-18 140 130 205 310 835
100 65 230 190 160   24 3   8-23 80 200 160 135 20 3 8-18 160 135 255 355 890
125 80 270 220 188   28 3   8-26 100 220 180 155 22 3 8-18 170 160 260 410 1,170
150 100 300 250 218   30 3   8-26 125 250 210 185 22 3 8-18 190 190 275 430 1,240
50 25 165 125 100 88 20 3 4 4-18 32 140 100 78 16 2 4-18 115 110 165 235 547
80 40 200 160 135 121 22 3 4 8-18 50 165 125 100 16 3 4-18 135 120 190 285 795
80 50 200 160 135 121 22 3 4 8-18 65 185 145 120 18 3 4-18 140 130 205 310 835
100 65 235 190 160 150 24 3 4.5 8-23 80 200 160 135 20 3 8-18 160 135 255 355 890
125 80 270 220 188 176 28 3 4.5 8-26 100 220 180 155 22 3 8-18 170 160 260 410 1,170
150 100 300 250 218 204 30 3 4.5 8-26 125 250 210 185 22 3 8-18 190 190 275 430 1,240
A38Y-16C 50 20 165 125 100   20 3   4-18 40 150 110 85 16 3 4-18 198 100 165 225 636
80 32 200 160 135   20 3   8-18 65 185 145 120 20 3 4-18 230 120 190 265 817
100 40 220 180 155   22 3   8-18 80 200 160 135 20 3 8-18 293 140 265 265 921
150 80 285 240 210   24 3   8-23 125 250 210 185 22 3 8-18 320 175 250 420 1,097
A38Y-25 50 20 165 125 100   20 3   4-18 40 150 110 85 16 3 4-18 198 100 165 225 636
80 32 200 160 135   22 3   8-18 65 185 145 120 20 3 4-18 230 120 190 265 817
100 40 230 190 160   24 3   8-23 80 200 160 135 20 3 8-18 293 140 265 265 921
150 80 300 250 218   30 3   8-26 125 250 210 185 22 3 8-18 320 175 250 420 1,097
A38Y-40 50 20 165 125 100 88 20 3 4 4-18 40 150 110 85 16 3 4-18 198 100 165 225 636
80 32 200 160 135 121 22 3 4 8-18 65 185 145 120 20 3 4-18 230 120 190 265 817
100 40 235 190 160 150 24 3 4.5 8-23 80 200 160 135 20 3 8-18 293 140 265 265 921
150 80 300 250 218 204 30 3 4.5 8-26 125 250 210 185 22 3 8-18 320 175 250 420 1,097


A27H弹簧微启式安全阀 A28H带手柄弹簧全启式安全阀
A48Y带扳手弹簧全启式安全阀 A42Y弹簧全启封闭式安全阀 WA42Y波纹管平衡式安全阀
A42Y弹簧全启式封闭式高压安全阀 A47Y带扳手弹簧微启式安全阀 A41H弹簧微启封闭式安全阀
弹簧微启封闭式单法兰安全阀(A41H) A41H弹簧微启封闭式高压安全阀 A27W-16T全铜安全阀

上一篇:A47Y带手柄弹簧微启式安全阀结构特点及安装尺寸 下一篇:A28Y带手柄弹簧全启式安全阀之安装说明及产品特点
热线电话 在线询价
