Whatman 沃特曼 无黏合剂玻璃微纤维滤纸
¥13Whatman Nuclepore聚碳酸酯膜0.1um90mm
¥2314CYTIVA whatman 1um47mmPTFE膜
¥6547CYTIVA Whatman 无菌混合纤维素酯膜0.45UM
¥200Whatman Nuclepore 聚碳酸酯亲水膜1um19mm
¥1016Cytiva Whatman AE98硝酸纤维膜5um47mm
¥12Cytiva Whatman聚碳酸酯膜0.2um142mm
¥2552Cytiva Whatman 3号定性滤纸150mm
¥13Cytiva whatman0.6um25mm聚碳酸酯膜
¥1000Whatman Uniflo 针头式滤器0.2um PVDF
¥10Cytiva层析柱 PD-10,空柱,50 件 实验室耗材
¥10不带支撑环的 Whatman Anopore无机膜 实验室耗材
¥15Harris Micro-punch有一个锋利的打孔头,可以从组织、胶、纸、衣服、培养基等材料上取样。打孔头由高碳不锈钢材质做成,经过热处理达到Rockwell硬度Rc-65。打孔头 的尺寸:0.5/1.0/1.2/2.0/3.0mm。每个Harris Micro-punch带有一个塑料刀头套、6 x 8" 1.5mm厚垫。更换刀头、栓塞、垫均可单独购买。
The lightweight, seamless barrel is machined from high grade 6061 aluminum tubing. It is anodized to form a protective, chemically resistant, long lasting surface for easy handling. The tips and ejection rods have the same specifications as the above plastic bodied Micro-Punchs. The plungers consist of a knob-screw assembly made from anodized aluminum with a 404 stainless steel ejection rod and spring. Each Harris Aluminum Micro-Punch® is sold with a protective plastic tip cover and a 6" x 8", 1.5 mm thick, inert, self-healing Harris cutting mat with dual cutting surfaces.
Harris Aluminum Micro-Punches complete with Ejection Rod, Tip, Tip guard and Cutting Mat:
15089 Harris Aluminum Micro-Punch, Tip Diameter 0.5mm
15089-2 Harris Aluminum Micro-Punch, Tip Diameter 1.0mm
15089-3 Harris Aluminum Micro-Punch, Tip Diameter 1.20mm
15089-4 Harris Aluminum Micro-Punch, Tip Diameter 2.0mm
15089-5 Harris Aluminum Micro-Punch, Tip Diameter 3.0mm