

参考价: 面议

2022-07-12 14:52:11








一   产品介绍;


二 特点:

1 试样架为一体式结构,膨胀系数小,实验数据真实准确。

2 采用成型单元控制器升温速率、温度上限、温度显示进行控制。

3 操作简单、使用方便、性能稳定。

4 显示方式;计算机进行数据存储和曲线分析。

三 符合标准;

GB/T 1633维卡软化温度(VST)的测定

GB/T 1634.1塑料 负荷变形温度测定(通用试验方法)

GB/T 1634.2塑料 负荷变形温度测定(塑料、硬橡胶和长纤维增强复合材料)

GB/T 1634.3塑料 负荷变形温度测定(高强度热固性层压材料)

GB/T 8802热塑性塑料管材、管件维卡软化温度的测定

ISO 75-1: 塑料 - 温度变形,负荷 - 第1部分:通用试验方法

ISO 75-2   塑料.载荷下挠曲温度的测定.第2部分:塑料和硬橡胶

ISO 75-3塑料.载荷下挠曲温度的测定.第3部分高强度热固性叠层板和长纤维增强塑料


ISO 2507-1热塑性塑料管和配件.维卡(vicat)软化温度.第1部分_一般试验方法

ISO 306塑料 热塑塑料 维卡(VICAT)软化温度的测定

ASTM D1525 e1Standard Test Method for Vicat Softening Temperature of Plastics

ASTM D648 Standard Test Method for Deflection Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural Load in the Edgewise Position

四 主要技术参数

1 温度控制范围:室温~300℃;

2 升温速率:120±10℃/h(12℃±1℃/6min )

        50± 5℃/h(5℃±0.5℃/6min)

3 变形测量范围:变形测量范围为010.000mm,变形分辨力为0.001mm,变形测量准确度0.001mm

4 试样架数量:3个;

5 试样跨距:64.000±1.000 mm   100.000±1.000 mm

6 加热功率:4kw;

7 冷却方式:150℃以上自然冷却,150℃以下水循环冷却,或是水冷。具有温度上限保护功能。

8 加热介质:甲基硅油(粘度200厘斯以下,闪点300以上);

9 主机电源为交流三相五线380v±10%50Hz5kw

10 维卡负荷杆装有负荷板。负载杆和金属架构件具有相同的膨胀系数。

11 压针头为硬质钢制成,长3mm,横截面积为1.000±0.015mm2

12 外形尺寸为645mmx670mmx1450mm









XRW-300B Thermal Deformation and Vicat Softening Point Temperature Measuring Instrument

Product introduction;

Thermal Deformation and Vicat Softening Point Temperature Tester is mainly used to measure the thermal deformation of non-metallic materials (such as plastics, rubber, nylon, electrical insulating materials, etc.) and Vicat Softening Point Temperature. With stable quality and simple operation, it is an ideal testing tool for chemical enterprises, research institutes, universities and other industries.

Two characteristics:

1 Sample holder is an integral structure with small expansion coefficient and accurate experimental data.

2. Temperature rising rate, upper temperature limit and temperature display are controlled by forming unit controller.

3. Simple operation, convenient use and stable performance.

4 display mode; data storage and curve analysis by computer.

Three meet the standards;

Determination of Vicat Softening Temperature (VST) of GB/T 1633-2000

GB/T 1634.1-2004 Plastic Load Deformation Temperature Measurement (General Test Method)

Measurement of Plastic Load Deformation Temperature (Plastics, Hard Rubber and Long Fiber Reinforced Composites) GB/T 1634.2-2004

Measurement of Load Deformation Temperature of Plastics GB/T 1634.3-2004 (High Strength Thermosetting Laminated Materials)

Measurement of Vicat Softening Temperature of Thermoplastic Pipes and Fittings GB/T 8802-2001

ISO 75-1:2013 Plastics - Temperature Deformation, Load - Part 1: General Test Method

ISO 75-2-2013 Plastics - Determination of Flexural Temperature under Loading - Part 2: Plastics and Hard Rubber

ISO 75-3-2013 Plastics - Determination of Flexural Temperature under Loading - Part 3 High Strength Thermosetting Laminated Plates and Long Fiber Reinforced Plastics

ISO75-1-04 Determination of Flexural Temperature under Plastic Loading Part 1 General Test Method,

ISO 2507-1-1995 Thermoplastic Pipes and Accessories - Vicat Softening Temperature - Part 1 - General Test Method

Measurement of Softening Temperature of ISO 306-2013 Plastic Thermoplastic Vicat

ASTM D1525 - 17e1 Standard Test Method for Vicat Softening Temperature of Plastics

ASTM D648 - 16 Standard Test Method for Deflection Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural Load in the Edgewise Position

Four main technical parameters

1. Temperature control range: room temperature to 300 C;

2. The heating rate is 120 (+10 C/h) (12 (+1 (+6 min)

50 +5 /h (5 +0.5 /6 min)

3. Deformation measurement range: Deformation measurement range is 0-10.000 mm, deformation resolution is 0.001 mm, and deformation measurement accuracy is 0.001 mm.

Quantity of test stand: 3;

Span of 5 specimens: 64.000 + 1.000 mm 100.000 + 1.000 mm

6. Maximum heating power: 4 kw;

7 cooling mode: natural cooling above 150 C, water circulation cooling below 150 C, or water cooling. It has the function of temperature upper limit protection.

8 Heating medium: methyl silicone oil (viscosity below 200 centimeters, flash point above 300 C);

9. The main power supply is 380v+10% AC three-phase five-wire, 50Hz, 5kw.

The 10-dimensional card load bar is equipped with a load plate, fixed on a rigid metal frame, and can move freely in the vertical direction. The load bar and the metal frame components shall have the same expansion coefficient.

The 11 pressure needle is a cylinder made of hard steel, 3 mm long and 1.000 (+0.015 mm 2) cross-sectional area. The lower surface of the pressure needle should be flat, perpendicular to the axis of the load rod and without burrs.

The shape size of 12 is 645 mm x 670 mm x 1450 mm.

Functions implemented:

1. Real-time display of test temperature and temperature-deformation curve.

2. During the test process, the load mass required for the test can be calculated automatically by inputting the size of the sample.

3. Up-line temperature and deformation are set arbitrarily in the range of use.

4. Errors are automatically corrected by software.

5. The color of the test curve can be set arbitrarily, and it can be displayed and hidden in real time, and the width of the curve can be changed arbitrarily.

6. When the test is completed or the upper limit temperature is reached, it has the alarm function and stops heating automatically.

7. Print the test curve and report after the test is completed. The historical records of previous tests are inquired, and the test curves of previous tests can be redrawn.

上一篇:关于纸箱抗压强度试验机的操作方式及日常维护 下一篇:力学试验机的误差分析
热线电话 在线询价
