Sondermann泵Sondermann泵 专业供应
Sondermann泵 专业供应Sondermann泵 专业供应
Sondermann泵、Sondermann离心泵、Sondermann磁力泵Spray喷嘴/Spray风刀/Spray喷梁Spray喷嘴/Spray风刀/Spray喷梁Spray喷嘴/Spray风刀/Spray喷梁Spray风刀Spray喷嘴Spray喷嘴Spray喷嘴 spray 喷嘴/风刀
空气控制喷嘴、集管、控制器、喷、放大器等。 风刀包和低流量风刀
可以根据您的精确规格来配置 WindJet? 风刀包,包括用刀、再生式鼓风机和包附件。我们也提供 WindJet(使用压缩空气的低流量风刀)。
AutoJet? Automated 自动喷雾系统 AutoJet Technologies 是 Spraying Systems Co. 的系统分部。我们提供可以优化喷雾性能的成套系统,所以您可以找到各种可以帮助改善产品质量和工作效率的喷雾控制选件。 自动喷雾喷嘴
请从使用各种配置、(额定)流量、循环速度、材料等的气动或电动空气雾化或液压喷嘴中选择。请添置AutoJet? Technologies, 的喷雾控制器,以监控并精确调整喷雾变量,并优化自动喷雾喷嘴的性能。 定制喷和喷射器
Standard air atomizing nozzle options include a cylinder for automatic operation, clean-out and/or shut-off needles, siphon- or gravity-fed configurations, internal or external mix, five spray patterns and hundreds of capacities Variable air atomizing nozzles provide independent control of liquid, atomizing air and fan air pressure for fine tuning of flow rate, drop size, spray distribution and coverage. Options include clean-out and/or shut-off needles, hundreds of capacities and anti-bearding air caps that resist build-up around the nozzle orifice AirJet? Fogger nozzles produce a high-quality dry fog and are available in many configurations including DripSafe? versions for positive shut-off Humidification equipment options include siphon and pressure-fed nozzles, self-contained units and compact designs for use in areas where space is limited +0086- +0086- /