sPECAM-1 ELISA检测试剂盒利用免疫酶技术可以在较短时间内,完成成千上万份样品的检测工作,真正的让实验者受益,节省实验成本和实验时间。我司产品均信息齐全,一律现货供应,发货速度快,产品质量佳,实验效果更出众。
sPECAM-1 ELISA检测试剂盒加入酶反应的底物后,底物被酶催化成为有色产物,产物的量与标本中受检物质的量直接相关。 通常,酶联免疫反应曲线是规则的,如果曲线不规则说明实验稳定性差,宜做平行样修正。
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02222 大鼠接触蛋白关联蛋白1(CNTNAP1)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Contactin Associated Protein 1 Elisa Kit (CNTNAP1) ,English abbreviation: CNTNAP1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02223 大鼠肠三叶因子(ITF)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Intestinal trefoil factor,ITF ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: ITF ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02224 大鼠信号传导子及转录激活子6(STAT6)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6 Elisa Kit (STAT6) ,English abbreviation: STAT6 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02225 大鼠β2微球蛋白(β2-MG)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: β2Microglobulin Elisa Kit ,English abbreviation: β2-MG ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02226 大鼠细胞周期素D1(Cyclin-D1)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat Cyclin-D1 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: Cyclin-D1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02227 大鼠雌三醇(E3)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat Estriol(E3)ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: E3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02228 大鼠热休克蛋白糖蛋白96(HSP gp96)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Heat Shock Protein glycoprotein 96 ,English abbreviation: HSP gp96 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02229 大鼠白细胞介素-6(IL-6)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Interleukin 6 ELISA KIT ,English abbreviation: IL-6 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02230 大鼠碳酸酐酶I(CA1)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Carbonic Anhydrase I Elisa Kit (CA1) ,English abbreviation: CA1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02231 大鼠血红素结合蛋白(HPX)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Hemopexin Elisa Kit (HPX) ,English abbreviation: HPX ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02232 大鼠血小板亲和蛋白1(PKP1)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Plakophilin 1 Elisa Kit (PKP1) ,English abbreviation: PKP1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02233 大鼠多巴胺受体D3(DRD3)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Dopamine Receptor D3 Elisa Kit (DRD3) ,English abbreviation: DRD3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02234 大鼠蛋白*磷酸酶(PTP)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: protein tyrosine phosphatase ,English abbreviation: PTP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02235 大鼠吡啶交联物(PY)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Pyridinium crosslink/pyrilinks ,English abbreviation: PY ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02236 大鼠甲状旁腺激素相关蛋白(PTHrP) Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein,PTHrP ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: PTHrP) ELISA试剂盒 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02237 大鼠抗心肌抗体(AMA)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Anti-Methylglyoxal Antibody Elisa Kit (AMA) ,English abbreviation: AMA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02238 大鼠普列克底物蛋白同源物样结构域家族A成员2(PHLDA2)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Pleckstrin Homology Like Domain Family A Member 2 Elisa Kit (PHLDA2) ,English abbreviation: PHLDA2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02239 大鼠嗜酸性白血球相关之RNA水解酵素家族成员3(EAR3)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 3 ,English abbreviation: EAR3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02240 大鼠抗肝细胞膜抗体(LMA)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: anti-liver cell membrane antibody ,English abbreviation: LMA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02241 大鼠软骨糖蛋白(YKL40)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Cartilage glycoprotein 39/YKL40 ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: YKL40 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02242 大鼠热休克蛋白60(Hsp60)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Heat Shock Protein 60 ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: Hsp60 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02243 大鼠乙醛脱氢酶(ALDH)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat aldehyde dehydrogenase,ALDH ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: ALDH ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02244 大鼠三磷酸腺苷(ATP)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Adenosine Triphosphate ,English abbreviation: ATP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02245 大鼠脑钠素(BNP)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Brain Natriuretic Peptide Elisa Kit (BNP) ,English abbreviation: BNP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02246 大鼠雌二醇(E2)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat Estradiol,E2 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: E2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02247 大鼠促黄体激素(LH)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat luteotropic hormone,LH ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: LH ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02248 大鼠促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: CRH ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: CRH ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02249 大鼠骨髓相关蛋白(MRP)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Myeloid-related protein ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: MRP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02250 大鼠叉头框蛋白P3(FOXP3)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Forkhead Box Protein P3 Elisa Kit (FOXP3) ,English abbreviation: FOXP3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02251 大鼠弹性蛋白(ELN)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Elastin Elisa Kit (ELN) ,English abbreviation: ELN ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02252 大鼠抗角蛋白抗体(AKA)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Anti-keratin antibody,AKA ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: AKA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02253 大鼠水通道蛋白3(AQP3)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Aquaporin 3, Gill Blood Group Elisa Kit (AQP3) ,English abbreviation: AQP3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02254 大鼠基质金属蛋白酶2(MMP-2)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Matrix metalloproteinase 2 ,English abbreviation: MMP-2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02255 大鼠胰腺再生蛋白Ⅳ(REG4)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: RegeneRating Islet Derived Protein 4 Elisa Kit (REG4) ,English abbreviation: REG4 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02256 大鼠*脱羧酶自身抗体(IFAa-AB)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: interleronaAntibody ,English abbreviation: IFAa-AB ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02257 大鼠组织多肽抗原(tPA)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Tissue type Plasminogen Activator ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: tPA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02258 大鼠干细胞因子受体(SCFR)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat Stem Cell Factor Receptor,SCFR ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: SCFR ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02259 大鼠脱氧核糖核酸酶1(DNASE1)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Deoxyribonuclease I Elisa Kit (DNASE1) ,English abbreviation: DNASE1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02260 大鼠70kDa热休克蛋白1样蛋白(HSPA1L)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1 Like Protein Elisa Kit (HSPA1L) ,English abbreviation: HSPA1L ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02261 大鼠丙二醛(MDA)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat Malondialdehyde(MDA)ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: MDA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02262 大鼠抗甲状腺微粒体抗体(ATMA/TMAB)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Anti-thyriod microsome antibody ,English abbreviation: ATMA/TMAB ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02263 大鼠组织蛋白酶D(cath-D)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: cathepsin D ,English abbreviation: Cath-D ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02264 大鼠白介素3(IL-3)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Interleukin 3 ,English abbreviation: IL-3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02265 大鼠钙/钙调素依赖性蛋白激酶2(CAMK 2)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-Ⅱ,CAMK 2 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: CAMK 2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02266 大鼠甲胺喋呤(MTX)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: methotrexate,MTX ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: MTX ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02267 大鼠末端补体复合物C5b-9(TCC C5b-9)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat terminal complement complex C5b-9,TCC C5b-9 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: TCC C5b-9 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02268 大鼠*1(KLK-1)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: kallikrein 1 ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: KLK-1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02269 大鼠抗sp100抗体(Sp100)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Sp100 Nuclear Antigen Elisa Kit (Sp100) ,English abbreviation: Sp100 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02270 大鼠连环蛋白b(CTNNb)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Catenin, Beta ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: CTNNb ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02271 大鼠细胞外信号调节激酶(ERK)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinase ,English abbreviation: ERK ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02272 大鼠唾液酸结合免疫球蛋白样凝集素12(SIGLEC12)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 12 Elisa Kit (SIGLEC12) ,English abbreviation: SIGLEC12 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02273 大鼠血管紧张肽酶A(ATA)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Angiotensinase A ,English abbreviation: ATA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02274 大鼠*5抗原(F5-Ag)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: vcoagulation Factor 5 Antigen Elisa Kit ,English abbreviation: F5-Ag ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02275 大鼠AMP活化的蛋白激酶N1(PRKAa1)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Protein Kinase, AMP Activated Alpha 1 Elisa Kit (PRKAa1) ,English abbreviation: PRKAa1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02276 大鼠生长分化因子6(GDF6)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Growth Differentiation Factor 6 Elisa Kit (GDF6) ,English abbreviation: GDF6 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02277 大鼠基质Gla蛋白(MGP)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Matrix Glg protein ,English abbreviation: MGP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02278 大鼠刀豆素A(ConA)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: concanavalin A,ConA ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: ConA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02279 大鼠S100蛋白(S-100)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat Soluble protein-100,S-100 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: S-100 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02280 大鼠转化生长因子β1(TGFβ1)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Transforming Growth Factor β1 ELISA KIT ,English abbreviation: TGFβ1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-02281 大鼠前列腺素E2(PGE2)Elisa试剂盒(进口) ,Products name: Rat Prostaglandin E2,PG-E2 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: PGE2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g