qiagen|GeneRead DNA FFPE Kit
面议qiagen|AllPrep DNA/RNA FFPE Kit (50)
面议qiagen|RNase-Free DNase Set (50)
面议qiagen|RNeasy Mini Kit (50)
面议qiagen|RNeasy Mini Kit (50)
面议qiagen|TissueLyser Adapter Set 2 x 24
面议qiagen|DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit
面议qiagen|52904|QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit
面议qiagen|51306|QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (250)
面议qiagen|51104|QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit
面议qiagen|QIAquick PCR Purification Kit
面议qiagen|19133|QIAGEN Proteinase K
MP公司 代理
MP Biomedicals : www.mpbio.com
MP Biomedicals生物医学公司是位于美国加利福尼亚州的生命科学和生物技术厂商。2004年底成功收购Qbiogene、ICN,现在有5个大型仓库,能够及时供应各行业需求,亚洲仓库位于新加坡。它致力于生命科学领域的基础研究和探索。目前它提供55000多种产品,是世界上能全面提供生命科学产品和临床诊断产品的*几家厂商之一。
MP Biomedicals is dedicated to giving scientists and researchers innovative, quality tools and superior service to aid them in their quest for ground-breaking discovery and turning the hope for life-changing solutions into a reality.
The company manufactures and sells more than 55,000 products and is one of the only companies in the industry to offer a comprehensive line of life science, fine chemical and diagnostic products.
MP Biomedicals is a world-wide corporation, with its headquarters located in Irvine, California and salite offices in Europe, Asia and Australia. We also maintain a vast network of global distributors, including our distribution centers in Solon, Ohio and Burlingame, California.
No matter how dynamic the evolution of the life science and biotechnology markets, we remain committed to supporting our customers in their efforts to make new discoveries. From basic research, through scale-up, to full-scale production and diagnostic testing, MP Biomedicals serves every industry need – from specialized areas of research to supplying large scale quantities of fine chemicals.
Our customers partner with us because they want a long-time player and reliable colleague in the fields of life science research and diagnostics. MP Biomedicals will never rest in our odyssey to remain at the forefront of discovery in the ever-changing biomedical industry.
Founder's Story
Chairman and chief executive of MP Biomedicals, Milan Panic (pah-nich) parleyed his experience, vision and good fortune from humble beginnings into a company that remains at the leading edge of discovery in the dynamic biomedical industry.
Enduring the trials of World War II, communism, and exile in a German refugee camp, Mr. Panic followed tens of thousands of Eastern Europeans who had forfeited everything to seek a better life in the West. A refugee from communist Yugoslavia, Mr. Panic reached the United States in 1956 with $20 in his pocket.
Mr. Panic has made substantial contributions to public service over the years. Most notably, he financed the inoculation of more than 200,000 children in Kosovo and helped his native land regain its sense of national pride by serving as Prime Minister for two years.
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MP公司 代理 | |
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