

参考价: 面议

2018-03-03 17:22:04









※NSC9700※    为满足铁路隧道、公路、电力、冶金、石油石化及各类厂区、车间、桥梁、场站、广场和大型设施、场馆等照明特点及需求,研制开发的J-NSC9700型防眩通路灯,无眩光、无重影,防震耐腐蚀,节能、安全可靠。
※NSC9700※    防眩功能:选用纳米光触媒玻璃,能自动分解表面污渍,保持透光效果;同时选用漫反射技术和保护角设计可有效防止眩光.能有效减少对作业、施工人员眼睛的刺激,避免产生不适和疲劳感。
※NSC9700※ 光效节能:选用特制的气体放电灯泡作光源,光效高、寿命长;使用双管HPS灯时,无需冷却可立即启动和再启动。
※NSC9700※   适用环境:采用高强度合金材料,具有较强的抗强力碰撞和冲击能力;多道防震结构和表面喷涂处理,可在车间、路基、路轨等高频震动和潮湿、高温环境中*稳定工作。
※NSC9700※   安装方式:壁挂式和吸顶式等多种安装方式,照射角度可根据需要在上下25°范围内任意调节.可根据现场需要适配φ10~4mm不同线径的电缆,并可实现多灯并连使用,适合布局工程照明。电子、机械双重保护装置,开盖后自动切断电源,使用维护更加安全可靠。
※NSC9700※    额定电压: 220 V
※NSC9700※    光源双内管HPS气体放电灯
※NSC9700※    光通量400W: 52000 lm
※NSC9700※    平均使用寿命: 50000 h
※NSC9700※   光通量250W:  27500 lm
『NSC9700』    平均使用寿命: 50000 h
※NSC9700※    MH气体放电灯400W:
『NSC9700』    光通量: 38000 lm
※NSC9700※    平均使用寿命: 20000 h
『NSC9700』    光通量250W: 23000 lm
※NSC9700※    平均使用寿命: 20000 h
『NSC9700』    外形尺寸:长×宽×高: 480×380×200mm
※NSC9700※    重量:16kg
『NSC9700』    严格按照ISO9001:2000质量管理体系标准进行质量控制,确保NSC9700防眩通路灯质量高于国家标准,*达到设计要求,NSC9700防眩通路灯实行7年保用, 光源保一年,自购买之日起7年内,NSC9700防眩通路灯正常使用下出现任何故障由本公司负责免费维护.



(英语翻译:)English translation

The general NSC9700 glare lamp-post

Yueqing gold electric appliance Co., LTD
http://www.lq.cjp.cc/articleshow.asp? ArticleID = 4.52

A, general situation
NSC9700 ※ to meet later railway tunnels and road, electric power, metallurgy, petrochemical and palant, workshop, Bridges, stations, square and large stadium facilities such as lighting characteristics and demands, the latest research and development of J - general NSC9700 type lamps, preventing dazzle without glare, and no double, shockproof corrosion resistance, energy saving, safety and reliability.
Second, performance characteristics
NSC9700 ※ prevent dazzle later: select nano photocatalysts function of glass, can automatically decompose surface besmirch, keep pervious to light effect; Meanwhile choose diffuse technology and protect horn design can effectively prevent. Can effectively reduce glare of homework, construction personnel eyes stimulation, avoid to produce discomfort and fatigue.
Energy efficiency NSC9700 ※ later: select tailor-made for gas discharge bulb light source, long service life, high efficiency; Using double tube HPS lamp, without cooling can immediay start and restarting.
※ NSC9700 ※ applicable environment: using high strength alloy material, it has strong resistance to powerful collisions and impact ability; Multi-channel shockproof structure and surface spraying processing, can be in workshop, roadbed, high frequency vibration and the damp track long-term stability and high temperature environment.
NSC9700 ※ installation: ※ such as type suction a top wall hung and variety of installation, illuminate Angle according to need within 25 ° in the upper arbitrarily regulate. According to the need to fit phi 10 ~ 4mm different line diameter of cable, and can achieve more lights and even use, suitable for layout engineering lighting. Electronic, mechanical dual protection device, cut off the power supply automatically after the cover, use the maintain more safety and reliable.
Three, technical parameters
※ NSC9700 ※ rated voltage: 220 V
※ NSC9700 ※ illuminant double tube HPS metal-halide lamp
※ NSC9700 ※ flux high-efficiency 400W: 52000 lm
NSC9700 ※ average life-span later, 50,000 h
NSC9700 ※ flux 250W: ※ 27500 lm
"NSC9700" average use life: 50000 h
※ NSC9700 ※ MH metal-halide lamp w:
"NSC9700" flux: 38000 lm
NSC9700 ※ average life-span later, 20,000 h
"NSC9700" flux 250W: 23,000 lm
NSC9700 ※ average life-span later, 20,000 h
"NSC9700" shape dimension: long x width x height: 480 x 380 x 200mm
※ NSC9700 ※ weight: 16kg
Four, quality assurance
"NSC9700" strictly according to ISO9001:2000 international quality management system standards quality control, ensure the quality of NSC9700 prevent dazzle street than national standards, fully meet the design requirement, general NSC9700 prevent dazzle lamps implement 7 years warranty, and light source the year, since the date of purchase seven years NSC9700 prevent dazzle, under normal use general streetlights any fault by this company is responsible free maintenance.
NSC9700 ※ ※ NSC9700 ※ later NSC9700 ※ ※ NSC9700 ※ later NSC9700 ※ ※ NSC9700 ※ later NSC9700 ※ ※ NSC9700 ※ later

NSC9700 ※ ※ NSC9700 ※ later NSC9700 ※ ※ NSC9700 ※ later NSC9700 ※ ※ NSC9700 ※ later NSC9700 ※ later

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