JIW5281便携式多功能强光灯,“ ※JIW5281※防爆灯价格?

※JIW5281※JIW5281便携式多功能强光灯,“ ※JIW5281※防爆灯价格?

参考价: 面议

2018-03-01 18:25:14












JIW5281    适用于铁路、电业、*、油田、冶金、石化企业夜间野外作业、货场装卸、*检修、事故抢修等高亮度照明及其他工作现场提供移动照明。
JIW5281   二、产品介绍
JIW5281   『JIW5281』    材质:外壳材质均为特制合金经数控加工而成;
JIW5281   『JIW5281』    部件:大功率LED、电池组、充电器等均为国内厂家同一供应商供货;
JIW5281   『JIW5281』    外形:与国内其它厂家同类产品相比略有区别;
JIW5281   『JIW5281』    功能:开关操作上更人性化、方便化,增设有电量检测功能,其它均类同市场同类产品;
JIW5281   『JIW5281』    性能:达到水平,均高于市场同类产品,更加安全稳定;
『JIW5281』    方便灵活:造型美观、操作简单方便,可采用手提、台面放置、磁力吸附、吊挂照明等多种方式;灯头可任意在120度内调节照射角度。轻触式开关,操作更方便耐用。
『JIW5281』    高效可靠:特制镍氢电池组无记忆、无污染、容量高、寿命长、性能安全稳定,自放电率低,可随时充放电。一次充电强光连续工作时间长达5小时,工作光可达13小时。
『JIW5281』    实用节能:选用3只3W大功率正白光LED光源串联使用,光效*、耗能极少、寿命长达10万h、冷色光、反光杯采用高科技表面处理工艺,反光效率高,光斑光色均匀,在照明功能的基础上还增加了频闪光功能,可作远距离信号指示用。
『JIW5281』    防水耐用:精密的结构、特制合金材料,能确保产品经受强力碰撞和冲击;密封性好,可抵御风浪、暴雨侵袭。
『JIW5281』    专业智能:人性化的电量指示和低电压警示功能设计,可随时查询电池剩余电量,充电器采用充电管理芯片控制,高可靠性、快速充电、过充保护、短路保护、涓流充电、状态指示
『JIW5281』    额定电压:12 V
『JIW5281』    额定容量:3.3Ah
『JIW5281』    灯泡
 工作电压:12 V
 额定功率:9 W
 强光通量:1500 lm
 工作光通量:800 lm
 平均使用寿命:100000 h
『JIW5281』    连续放电时间
 强光:5 h
 工作光:13 h
『JIW5281』    充电时间:5 h
『JIW5281』    电池使用寿命:约1000循环
『JIW5281』    外形尺寸:高290 mm、直径114 mm
『JIW5281』    重量:4.5 kg
『JIW5281』    严格按照ISO9001:2000质量管理体系标准进行质量控制,确保『JIW5281『质量高于国家标准,*达到设计要求,『JIW5281『实行3年保用,自购买之日起3年内,『JIW5281『正常使用下出现任何故障由本公司负责免费维护.

『JIW5281』    参考防护等级:IP65

(英语翻译:)English translation

JIW5281 portable multifunctional bright lights

Yueqing gold electric appliance Co., LTD
? ArticleID = 757

A, general situation
※ JIW5281 ※ suitable for railways, electric power, public security, oil, metallurgical, petrochemical enterprise night field operations, maintenance, loading bays loading and unloading, and patrol high brightness illumination and accident repair job site for other lighting.
※ JIW5281 ※ two, product introduction
JIW5281 ※ JIW5281 "material: ※" shell material for special alloy are by nc machining and become;
JIW5281 ※ "JIW5281" later parts: high power LED, battery pack, chargers are domestic well-known manufacturers the same supplier delivery;
JIW5281 ※ JIW5281 "appearance: ※" with domestic other manufacturers of similar products slightly difference compared;
JIW5281 ※ "JIW5281 later on" function: switch operation more humanity, FangBianHua, add a capacity check function, and others are similar market similar products;
JIW5281 ※ JIW5281 "performance: ※" to international high-end level, are higher than the market similar products, more security and stability;
Three, performance characteristics
"JIW5281" is convenient and flexible: modelling beautiful, easy to operate, can use portable, mesa place, magnetic adsorption, hang lighting and so on many kinds of ways; Lamp holder can be arbitrary in 120 degrees inside regulation illuminate Angle. Touching switchgear and operation more convenient and durable.
"JIW5281" nimh batteries, high efficiency and reliable: special without memory, no pollution, capacity, high, long service life, safe and stable performance, low self-discharge, may at any time charging and discharging. One time charge for five consecutive time light light can reach hours 13 hours.
"JIW5281" practical energy-saving: selcting three only 3W white LED light source of high-power are used, high efficiency, series energy consumption rarely, life for 10 million h, cool color light, reflective glass adopts high-tech surface treatment technology, reflective high efficiency, flare light color uniformity, the basis of the lighting function has increased frequency flash function, can make the distance with signal indication.
"JIW5281" waterproof durable: sophisticated structure, special alloy materials to ensure product withstand powerful collisions and impact; Good sealing, can resist waves and heavy rains.
"JIW5281" professional inligence: the humanized power instructions and low voltage warning function design, may at any time inquires the battery remaining power, the charger adopts special charging management chip control, high reliability, rapid charging, overcharge protection, short circuit protection, Juan flow charging, state instructions
Four, technical parameters
"JIW5281" rated voltage: 12 V
"JIW5281" rated capacity: 3.3 Ah
"JIW5281" bulbs
Working voltage: 12 V
Rated power: 9 W
Strong flux: 1500 lm
Work flux: 800 lm
Average use life: 100000 h
"JIW5281" continuous discharge time
Light: 5 h
The work light: 13 h
Frequency flash: 40h
"JIW5281" charging time: 5 h
"JIW5281" battery life: about 1,000 cycle
"JIW5281" shape dimension: high 290 mm, diameter 114 mm
"JIW5281" weight: 4.5 kg
Five, quality assurance
"JIW5281" strictly according to ISO9001:2000 international quality management system standards quality control, ensure "JIW5281" quality over state standards, fully meet the design requirements, "JIW5281" executes 3 years warranty, since the date of purchase, "JIW5281" within three years under normal use any fault by the company responsible for free maintenance.

"JIW5281" reference protection level: IP65


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